They call us "love birds"

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"Ok enough love birds"everyone says expect missy and Lucy "we're in even together"me and wildcard say in annoyance "anyways want to watch a movie"a cappella says "sure"everyone says "me and wildcard watched that movie last night"I said then everyone was looking at us "not in that way"I say I heard wildcard snicker I elbowed him then everyone looked back at the tv

"Did you know that movie was romantic"wildcard says my eyes widened "what! It doesn't even seem romantic "I say he laughs I playfully rolled my eyes the movie started I started watching it *after 39 minutes*I was getting bored I know how it ends I started making Ninja stars with my hands I really wanted to throw it to missy or Lucy but I cant because there's a child here and plus I'm not trying to get in jail

I saw wildcard take one "these are really sharp then usually"he says and looks at me "is that a a problem"I say and look at him "Im guessing you want to throw at someone's head"he says "what no"I say sarcastically he laughs he touches the sharp part of the ninja star he gives it back I was so tired I fell asleep on something but it was comfortable I didn't feel like moving

Wildcard pov:I felt something on my lap I looked down to see multiple asleep she seems so adorable i didn't really feel like watching the same movie so I carried here bridal style thankfully no one saw me I gently placed her on my bed I laid next to her and went on my phone she suddenly puts her arm around my stomach I got the butterfly's she's everything I need in a girl to be honest but I don't think she'll feel the same way

Back to violets pov:I wake up I'm not in my seat I panicked I looked around the room I didn't know this room I see someone coming out the bathroom with no shirt on and dripping wet hair with a towel around they're waist "seems like your awake multiple"wildcard says I quickly cover my eyes with my hand "hey calm down it's fine"he says "no it's not"I say "fine I'll put on a shirt"wildcard says "good"I say "done"he says I take down my hand he still is shirtless I quickly put my hands over my eyes "not cool"I say I heard him laughing "ok this time I actually have a shirt on"he says I slowly take down my hands and he has a shirt on "why were you so worried"wildcard says "I don't know"I say and shrugged he plops next to me I looked around his room "nice room"I say "thanks"he says I look at a bookshelf filled with tons of books "woah"I say and get up and go to the bookshelf "what..oh yeah that's my bookshelf"he says I looked at the books most of them I already read but one really caught my eye "I see you found my favorite book"he says "oh this is your favorite I'll put it back"I say "no you can keep it,it's fine"he says "no it's your favorite book"I say we kept going back and forth "I've had it for the longest time please keep it"he says "are you sure"I say "positive"he says and adds with a smile "ok thank you wild"I say and hug him "no problem"he says and hugs back

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