We almost got caught

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Wildcard pov:I woke up and see that I'm cuddling violet I looked over her and she's sleeping she looks adorable if I'm being honest I play with her hair while she's sleeping her hair is so beautiful just like her
Violets pov:I felt someone touching my hair I opened my eyes and to see wildcard playing with my hair he was braiding my hair, his hair was messy he looked cute he looked at me "oh uh sorry"he says and let's go of my hair "it's fine..you did a good job on the braid"I say he softly smiles "thank you"he says "well I better get ready"he says and gets up from the bed "me too and thanks for letting me over"I say and walk out his door

I do my skin care,brushed my teeth,get dressed I looked at the time I get out of my dorm everyone was playing around I go in the back and sit in the couch with the girls "soo what happened when you were sleeping over wildcards dorm"a cappella says with a smirk "woah,woah,woah,there I know exactly what you mean and I'm way too young to do that and plus all we did was talk and watched a show"I say

They all laughed "how about the kiss"missy says at that point I have no idea what to say "are you guys spy's are something"I say "hmmm maybe"fast forward says we all laughed "also me and the boys are thinking about sneaking out again"fast forward says "ok where to and also can missy come "I say "yeah she can since we trust her now we were thinking the park at night since no one would be there"a cappella says we all agreed to go

*many hours later*we all got ready I felt someone tapped my shoulder I turned to see missy "violet I kinda nervous what happens if something happens to us"she says "we'll be totally fine plus whoever tries to come to us I can burn them to they're death or stab them"I say she chuckles "ok violets up first"fast forward says "why always me"I say and start getting out the window I slid down the rope "close is clear"I whisper yell wildcard comes down the rope then everyone does then it was missy turn

She kept looking Down "missy come down quick"noddles says "I'm to scared"she says while biting her nails "come down you'll be completely fine"fast forward says she closes her eyes and goes down the rope she lands on her feet "it was kinda hard not to scream"missy says we all laughed we made our way to the park we finally arrived there we were playing around "is that miss Granada's car"face marker says my eyes widened "it is hide hurry"I say we all hide behind something

I was in the middle of missy and wildcard we heard the car door opened we heard footsteps around us missy looks scared "are you sure that you want the children to go to this camp"a bodyguard says to Granada we all look at each other with widened eyes "yes they should-"Granada gets cutted by face marker sneezing we all quickly run we ran so fast you can call us the flash we finally stopped at this ice cream place "wait to go face marker"I say "what sorry I needed to sneeze"face marker says and puts his hands up in surrender I rolled my eyes  we get in the ice cream place and ordered ice

cream we all payed for our own "this was pretty fun"missy says "see missy nothing to be afraid of"I say and put my arm around her we all laughed we all had conversation "guys it's 12:10am I think we should go back to headquarters"I say we all agreed to go back we all finished our ice cream's and threw them away we walked back to the headquarters I climbed the rope and go inside then everyone else does we all say bye to each other I go to my dorm changed into my pajamas and go to sleep

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