Missy the crybaby

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Missy kept crying but I didn't care we continued watching the movie she kept sobbing around wildcard trying to get his attention "oh my gosh will you shut up already"he says she wipes her tears"wildcard she tried to hurt me"she says in a babyish tone she tries to sit on his lap

He pushes her off him "ew and plus I don't really care if she tried to hurt your so annoying"wildcard says "b-but I thought you liked me"she says wildcard starts laughing "who said that"wildcard starts laughing harder I started laughing with her "who would even like you cause I don't for sure"wildcard says me and wildcard kept laughing

Missy eyes started to become teary she got off the ground and stomped back to her seat she was acting like a toddler even guppy was more mature than missy me and wildcard kept laughing we eventually stopped the movie ended "aw man we didn't even watch the ending"wildcard says "maybe we can watch at my dorm together"missy says and flirts with him

"Yeah no thank you"he says in disgust I snicker "is something funny multiple"missy says "yeah it's you trying to flirt with wildcard"I say everyone starts laughing missy rolls her eyes I looked at the time it was time to get ready for bed we all go to our dorms I changed into my pajamas I did my skin care and brushed my teeth I heard a knock on my door I opened my door to see wildcard "howdy neighbor"I said sarcastically he snickers "I was thinking if you wanted to watch the movie where we left off"he says "I would love too"I say he smiles I closed my door and we go to his dorm I laid next to him we started watching the movie*after one hour*the movie ended "well that was a great ending"he says and looks at me I nod my head yes I was very sleepy "I'm going to bed"I say "me too"wildcard say I slowly started drafting to sleep

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