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Wildcard pov:the guys kept telling me about violet "but I don't get it why is her last name multiple"I say "well I searched that up her last name is multiple because her parents both have two powers her moms power is controlling nature and fire her dad's power is can make any object sharp and teleportation but she has one power of her own which is mind reading"wheels says

"Wow that's cool"I say missy and Lucy started talking about the mission which was one year ago "and I think if violet was there she would ruin it"missy says looking at violet it turns quiet "excuse me"violet says "well did you hear her"Lucy says "shut the fuck up I wasn't talking to you"violet says "I do mean it at least I was here last year"missy says "at least I have powers "violet says going up to missy they kept arguing " I don't think no one should talk to that creep"missy says

I know I didn't know violet but I was mad back to violets pov:I chuckled "ok at least I have a mom"I say missy eyes water "aw little missy wants to cry go cry somewhere else" I say missy walks away crying everyone was shocked I went back to my bubble and continued reading my book and listened to my music I eventually got bored of reading until I heard someone say "she's here"I immediately take down my force field

"Kids get ready for your training"miss Granada says everyone gets up and getting their things so do I "where's missy"miss Granada says "she at the bathroom"I say "well if that's so I should go and tell her"Granada says I follow the kids we go on this bus(idk what it's called)we went in the air it was not really quiet "is that the IT book "wheels says "yes why"I say "I like that book"wheels says we started talking about the it "maybe you aren't so bad as I thought"I said

"Well thank you"wheels says we arrived there "welcome back mini heroics "the old lady says "looks like we have a new student joining us"she says everyone looks at me "what's your name dear"the lady says "my name is violet multiple"I say "oh so your violet I know your parents I used to train them they were fast learners "she says "may I ask who are you exactly"I say "I'm Anita Moreno but you can call me grandma "she says I nod my head we all went inside

She presses a button her backyard suddenly becomes a training backyard we put our stuff in the side she plays some music "since your new lets test your fighting skills"Anita Moreno says a red figure comes up some people were watching me I started fighting it after fighting the figure "you did an amazing job you can go and train on something else"Moreno says I walk away I was looking at other people training "hey new girl"someone behind me says

I turned around to see a cute boy-I didn't even meet him and I'm already calling him cute ugh really violet "hello"I say "want me to help you do tight rope"he says "sure this is probably easy"I say and go on the tight rope I almost fall off but he catches me "easy right"he chuckles "I take that back"I say he laughs he's smile is pretty cute omfg violet stop thinking these things we made eye contact "hey wild boo"Lucy says and pushes me off the tight rope and goes on the tight rope "what the fuck Lucy"the boy says and gets off the tight rope "are you ok violet"

He says "yeah I'm fine"I say I make a ninja star it goes on Lucy's hair which made her go on the to the ground "I'm stuck"Lucy says the boy looks back at me "I didn't really catch your name"I say "oh right my name is wildcard"he says "wildcard cool name"I say he helps me get up "well thank you"he says "OH MY GOSH MY HAIR"Lucy yells the half of her hair was short I laughed so did wildcard we make eye contact he catches something passed me but i didn't flinch "surprised you didn't flinch"he says

I smirked "well what are your powers"I say " I mean I have every power not trying to brag"he says I chuckled "but I just don't know how to work them"he says "well maybe I can help you with that"I say "I really want to know how to do electricity fingers"he says "here"I say I take his hand and fold it "now relax and take a deep breath"I say he slowly opens his hands to see electricity "woah"wildcard says "now give it a go"I say he tries out his power I smiled "I did it I actually did it"wildcard says excitedly "thanks a lot violet"he says "no problem"I say "may I ask can you read my mind"wildcard says "are you sure"I say "yes"he says I started reading his mind until missy pushes me "oh my gosh wildcard are you ok"missy says "I'm fine jeez"wildcard says "you don't want to be with this creep"missy says and pulls wildcard away from me he walks away with missy I rolled my eyes and started working on my powers

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