The fight

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I go back to my room I started reading my book until I seen a note fell out it's says 'my secret'I look at the date it was the day I first went to headquarters I really wanted to read it but it's his privacy I can't interrupt his privacy I decided to place go to his dorm I knock the door "how can I help you"he says sarcastically "well I found this in the book I decided to give it back"

I say his eyes widened "did you read it"he says in a little worried tone "no it's your privacy"I said he sighs in relief "why did you sound worried"I say "wha-...I-I wasn't worried"he says I didn't want to turn this into a argument "ok night wild"I said "night multiple"he says I went to my room and locked it I changed into my pajamas I couldn't stop thinking what was in that note

I eventually got tired and fell asleep The next morning:I woke up to a blurry vision I rub my eyes and sat up I heard a lot of laughing like always I go to the bathroom take a shower after taking a shower I change into an outfit I brushed my teeth,did my skin care,did my hair after that I go down to see everyone watching a funny movie wildcard looked at me I sat next to him"well good morning violet"he says "good morning wild"I say

"I already see you guys started watching a movie"I say "yeah it pretty funny"he says I was still sleepy"did you get enough rest"wildcard says "not really I kinda woke up in five in the morning and finally went to sleep at eight"I say "that was two hours ago"he says "really"I say he nods "cmon you can sleep in my room"he

says and was about to get up I gently grabbed his arm"no,it's fine really"I say "no you need to get more sleep"wildcard says we kept going back and forth wildcard finally gave up I started watching the movie I ate some popcorn I see guppy coming up to wildcard I see guppy walking towards me "hey guppy"I say "hi violet missy sent you this"she hands me the note "do you know what's in this note"I say "no she told note open it"guppy says and walks back to her seat "what's that"wildcard says "a note from stupid missy"I say and open it I open it says 'you better back off wildcard is mine he'll never be yours don't you dare be close to wildcard or talk to him -missy I looked down and see her drawing of me crying while sitting on the tree and her and wildcard kissing I never felt my blood boil so bad I hated the fact she drew me crying "ew me kissing her never going to happen"wildcard says and looks at me "you okay?"he says "I don't know if I should kill her or beat her to her death"I say "woah calm down there you can't kill her there's a kid here and plus you don't want to be in jail"he says

I absolutely had enough I quickly go to a cappellas and fast forwards desk I give them the note "oh boy"a cappella says and looks at me "girl you should fight her"fast forward says "I want to really bad but guppy is going to see"I say "you should make a force field and me and a cappella will distract her"fast forward says "that's a great idea"I say I make the force field wheels pauses the movie he probably knows what about to happen "so missy I see your note"I say "yeah what about it"missy says "is there something bothering you"I say "yeah it's you ever since you showed up you ruined everything for me you deserve so much pain you deserve nothin-"missy gets cutted off by me slapping the shit out of her she touches her face she tried to punch me but I catch it she started pulling my hair I started punching her she let go of my hair but I kept punching her until someone pulls me off"ok that's enough"wildcard says and grabs me by my waist noddles helps missy up she kept talking about how she was strong "wanna to show me"I say and was about to walk to her and punch her again but wildcard hold my waist tight "that's enough your going to kill her"wildcard whispers in my ear I take down the force field "how the heck is your face still fine"wildcard says and let's me go since everything is calm down now "because she's weak"I say he chuckles

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