The crazy prank

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The next morning:I woke up took a shower,got dressed,brushed my teeth and hair,did my skin care after getting ready I opened the door to see everyone awake except Lucy and wildcard "good morning violet"the girls say "good morning a cappella,fast forward and missy"I say and sit in my seat the girls smiled at me I smiled back I looked at the time

I look at the girls in 'it's time' facial expression they all nod I suddenly blast some loud music but only in Lucy's and wildcard room they both screamed and ran out they're dorm they both suddenly slipped and fall everyone was laughing they went downstairs Lucy sat next to missy,missy played the farting noise and sprayed the spray "EW LUCY FARTED"missy says everyone was laughing "NO I DIDNT SHE LYING"Lucy yells "will all of you shut up wheels turn on the tv"wildcard says

Wheels turned on the tv it played the video of wildcard and Lucy kissing wildcard eyes widened he looked at me everyone gasped except me and the girls and wildcard and Lucy me and the girls quickly ran to the back fast forward and me get the ropes "ready one..two..three"I say me and fast forward pulled the ropes and we saw the buckets dropped on wildcard and Lucy everyone was laughing except wildcard and Lucy

Suddenly Lucy starts screaming but not loud where everyone can hear I heard the snappers pop she gets off her chair and lost her balance which cost her to fall backwards wildcard was about to come up to me and the girls but he couldn't since he's gorilla glued to his chair he finally got up but he realized the back of his pants are ripped off me and the girls are dying of laugher wildcard and Lucy walked back to they're dorms angrily I gave the girls high fives

"Great prank violet,missy,a cappella,fast forward"the boys say me and the girls do that thing were they bow Down when actors are done with acting on stage they all gave us a round of applause me and the girls chuckled we suddenly see Lucy and wildcard come up to us "please violet let me explai-"wildcard gets cutted off by me me "there's no need to explain I saw it with my own eyes go sit with your GiRlFrIeNd"I teased "she isn't my girlfriend!"he snaps at me I chuckled "ohh It looks like someone's angry"I say in a baby voice

Everyone was laughing except for Lucy and wildcard I smirked before walking away everyone gave me high fives expect for the people who got pranked(I'm getting annoyed with saying their names)I sat down my seat so did the girls it became weird silence we heard the door open "children today we'll be having a test like every other month"Granada says and hands out the test "now I'm expecting this to be done at 10:09"she says and heads out

I looked at the test it looks pretty easy I looked over at the girls and they all looked confused since it wasn't quiet I walked over to them"violet we know none of this"fast forward says an idea came up my head"what's your idea"a cappella says "I don't no how to explain this but missy I'm going to drop a pencil and you pick it up and open it a cappella I'm going to give you a schrunchie and you open it fast forward I'm going to pretend I'm teaching you a handshake"I say they all nod their heads

I go back to my seat since everyone started I decided to drop my pencil it rolled to missy she stopped it with her shoe she picked it up and opened it she looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up from behind her back after that I gave a cappella my schrunchie she opens it and nods after that I pretend to teach fast forward a handshake she took the paper from my hand I go back to my seat and continued doing my test I felt eyes on me I didn't look cause I already knew it was wildcard I finished my test and flip my paper over so wildcard doesn't copy me

I see the girls flip their paper then everyone finished Granada comes in "alright children it looks like everyone is done I am now talking the test"she says and gets all the test once she was done collecting the papers she heads out the door everyone goes crazy "he's looking at you"missy mouths "I know"I mouth back she gives wildcard a dirty look and looks away "hey everyone let's all go downstairs to party"wheels said everyone screamed and head downstairs I didn't feel like going downstairs "hey do you want to go downstairs"the girls say to me "nah I don't really feel like it plus let's all watch a movie in my dorm"I say they cheered we go to my dorm and played the movie

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