This camp is weird...

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I was peacefully sleeping until I heard a horn I got scared and fell off the bed I looked up to see wildcard laughing I grab his foot and made him fall I laughed "that was not funny it was painful"he says I stand up and gave him my hand he gets up"I shouldn't have run"he says I chuckled "even if you did I could teleport to you"I say "true"he says

He gets out of my dorm and closes the door I get ready and do the rest of my routine once I was done I head out my dorm I sit in my seat it was quiet because this is the time Granada usually comes in "children today you'll be going to a camp you'll only stay for two days or a little more I called your parents and there fine with it so get your stuff ready"Granada says and walks out

We get our stuff and go on the bus "guys this camp seems nice but kinda scratchy"I say and look out the window then everyone looks out the window they all agreed we get out of the bus "ah yes we have the heroics kids you all will be sharing a cabin together and there's a lot of space for all of you"a lady says with a low sleek back bun and with glasses on she looks tired "come follow me"she says we start following her

"Here's your cabin"she says and opens the door it looked nice "you can start unpacking your things"she says and closes the door we all started unpacking our things once we were done we all agreed to go outside we opened the door and see a bunch of kids our age a boy and a girl walks up to us "hi I'm Noah "the boy with blond fluffy hair with hazel eyes says and puts a hand out for me to shake "hi I'm violet"I say and shake his hands

"And I'm Emily Noah's girlfriend"a girl with brunette highlights with blue eyes says "I'm violet"I say we all introduced each other but when Noah introduced himself to Wildcard he looked pissed Noah and Emily mouth something but I don't know what until the lady who let us to the cabin put her hand on Noah's shoulder his eyes widened "I see you meet them both"the lady says we all nod our heads yes *at night*we all sat on our beds and started talking to each other "this camp is giving me weird vibes "I say "yeah that dude Noah mouthed something"wildcard says we said if things are getting weirder we'll make a plan but we all fall asleep

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