The nightmare

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I woke up still sleepy I look at the time it's time for school "I'll just skip today"I mumbled to myself ,I was about to go back to sleep until "nuh-uh you need to go to class"I heard someone's voice I quickly turned to see missy "how the fuck did you get in hear"I say "while you didn't unlock your door plus I kept knocking to my sure your ok"missy says I playfully roll my eyes "now get ready or else"missy says

I groan and get my clothes from my closet missy walks out the door and closes it I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair,did my skin care I go downstairs to see everyone watching a movie I quietly sighed and sit in my seat while everyone was watching the movie I kept rubbing my fingers together and fire came out I accidentally placed it on my paper

I tried to blow it away it started spreading all over my paper I quickly get up and get water and dump the water on the paper it stopped but it was quiet I looked up and see Lucy soaking wet I wanted to laugh so bad "LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME"she yells at me "it was an accident"I say and cover my smile with my hand "UGH!"Lucy yells and stomps to her dorm I burst out laughing so does everyone

She comes back with new clothes on we continued watching the movie *after the movie*It was getting late wildcard offered me to stay at his dorm today I said yes I got dressed and did the rest of my routine I knocked on wildcards door he answered he lets me in I see there's still some plants all over his room I chuckled I started control the plants to make it go back to normal "thanks"wildcard says and lays n his bed we talked for a little we both eventually got tired

I fall asleep In dream:I woke up to see wildcard dead on the floor and a pile of blood I suddenly break down in tears "what happen"I told missy "didn't you hear Lucy's older brother shot wildcard just because he rejected her"missy says while crying I kept sobbing I felt someone shaking me "woke up,violet woke up"they said I quickly opened my eyes and sat up and started breathing heavily "violet are you okay"wildcard says a little worried I looked at him I shake my head no "what happened"wildcard says and starts comforting me I explained to him about my nightmare "well it's just a nightmare it's not going to actually happen okay"wildcard says in a soft voice he opens his arms I looked at him with a confused face "cuddles?"he says I laughed "of course"I say and go into his arms he smiles at me I smiled back I felt safe I slowly fall back to sleep

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