Did I hear that right?

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As me and the girls were in the middle of the movie I heard a knock on my door I groaned and got up they knocked in a good part of the movie I opened the door to see the one and only wildcard I rolled my eyes "what the fuck do you want"I say with a little attitude "chill with the attitude but I just want to explai-"I cutted wildcard "wildcard I told you I didn't need your stupid explaining so leave me alone"I say and slam the door in his face before he says anything
Wildcards pov:I was hurt the fact she doesn't want to talk to me or anything I walk to my dorm sadly and closed the door I lay in my bed "how am I going to tell her I literally had no idea I said that and kissed Lucy I never knew that happened all I remember was getting my soda and Lucy pointed at something and I looked awa-"I say to myself and realized "holy shit was I that stupid that bitch but something in my drink to make me say those things and kissed her"I say to myself again and gag at the fact I kissed her

I stormed out my dorm and went to Lucy "what the fuck is your deal"I yelled at Lucy "what are you talking about"Lucy says "oh you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about what "I say and start making electricity with my fingers her eyes widened "I-I h-how n-no I-idea w-what y-your t-talking a-about"she stutters and swallows nervously "stop acting so fucking innocent tell me now or I'll shock you with my fingers"I say "fine when you were looking away I made a pill and put it in your drink"she says "what did you put in the pill"I say "I could control what you say and what you can do"she says "but why did you do this"I say "well isn't obvious I did that so I can ruin things with you and violet "she says
Back to violets pov:me and the girls were shocked at what we heard we all had our ears on the door we heard perfectly "so your meaning to tell me that wildcard had no idea he kissed Lucy and said that"missy says "I cant believe it either but the prank sure was fun"I say the girls snickered we suddenly here wildcard door closed "and I'm guessing he's in his room now"fast forward says we all nod we continued watching the movie but all I could think of is what wildcard was saying earlier...

A/n:I'm low key tired making wildcard or Nathan story's(no offense)but I am going to continue this book since some y'all like it also I'm sorry for this short chapter and thank for 211 views!,other then that have an amazing day :)

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