Meet and Greet

127 3 0

July 2
4am 🦋
     Up and checked out, Nico carried footy PJ'ed, Nate to the car.  Dad called several times, to inform, the Beckett branch of the family, that we were leaving.  What he got was the nasty side of Claudia Beckett Blackwolf's morning shrewish tongue.  We were two hours gone and well into Georgia before, the Beckett branch, woke up. So we were made to wait,  at a local pancake house, it was an hour before,  they arrived.  Uncle Joe, asked Dad, why we did not call,  he was informed that we did and his wife's response.   The husband and wife had words.  When the Beckett family caught up, we were finally introduced to Clemency's fiance.  A stuck up, know it all ass hole. Red curly hair, blue eyes, long face, and an arrogance, that made one want to slap him.  Staci disliked him too, he seemed sly and sneaky.  Engaged to Clemency and eyeballing, other women such as Lia and Nalah.  To get to Lia, he had to pass the Mother, Aunt Bev.  Nalah told him to, "Fuck off!"  He, kinda drifted from woman to woman, ones that sense told him to "shove off!"

     We drove on through Georgia and into Florida. We contacted, the family to find the meeting place.    We ladies wore sundresses.  Staci wore a solid jade green, Nalah wore a deep garnet red, Nikki wore a soft deep pearl pink, I wore a deep emerald green,  Aunt Jay, wore a pastel lavender print,  Aunt Shania wore a flowered deep yellow.  Aunt Bev wore a spicy hot red, Grandma looked nice in a soft melon cream, Mom looked dynomite, in a blue and white print.  Rosey, did the introductions, "Dad, Mom, this is Staci. "  They were warm people,  and accepted Staci, as one their own. His mother, Lana, was a lovely woman, from her short cropped ginger red hair, to her flawless skin, her deep eyes, were filled with love and tears. She, too wore a print sundress.  " My family,  my firstborn, Tamina, teo years younger, Nia was born, then Staci's groom Rosey, the twins. James or Jimmy, and Jayson, and my youngest Roman.  "Roman,  the one to marry my Nyssa."  Staci introduced my family, My Uncle Luke, his wife, my Aunt Desi, their eldest son, Nico, or Nicholas, his fiance, Nalah, my cousins, Nikki, Nicola and the mischievous one, Nate. I wondered over; " This my cousin, Nyssa, the one to wed Roman."  Her eyes drank every inch of me in, and took in a breath.  " She is beautiful. "  Another man,  affianced to another, was eyeing that beautiful woman as well, his body going into silent excitement for her.

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