The Truth shall set you free

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The wedding was off!  I was to blame, but I wasn't caught enjoying sucking the hell out of Semi's "lollypop ".  The second shoe dropped, when Dwayne,  despite the pleas of Naomi and threats of Nia and Taminah,  reveals the test results.  Semi wasn't JoJo's father, a glimmer of hope shone, only to be ruined by the announcement that Roman wasn't her father either, it was that " Maga" was the father of JoJo.  That was the end.  For some reason, I wanted to comfort Roman.  He left the building, leaving Feline in a sobbing, heaving mess.  His sisters were preaching "forgiveness ", he still loved her,  Roman kept on walking.  I went to Rosey and told him, his "little bro" ,needed him, his wisdom, understanding and his love.   I got more than expected, Dwayne , Jimmy, and Jay, went to along with T-Roi, Nico, and Uncle My."  Talk about family coming together.   They were over in the corner, having a "Bro-talk" .  I was about to enter a battle zone of my own,  when I was confronted by Nia, Taminah, Naomi, and the "wrecked" ,Feline.  I re-entered the church, to retrieve the disc, for Terrence.  I didn't realize, I had my own backup.  I entered the door slammed.  A ruined face, mascara looked it melted on her face, her hair, a wreck.  That beautiful expensive dress, ruined beyond any hope of repair.  This girl smelled of "sex, funk, ass, and too many Tequila shots, about, twenty five, too many.  I think her co- horts were also drowning their sorrows in "brother booze".  "You, you, bitch, you ruined my life, and my daughter's life."  " Go, to bed and sleep it off."  My arms were grabbed and held behind my back.  "Oh, no sister, you are going to pay, for ruined, our girlfriend's family."  " She did that, all by herself, so please let my go."  "You think, you are going to marry Roman, you may be his future bride, but you'll walk or be the "bride that wore, black and blue."  A pet peeve, I inherited from my Dad, never stick or waggle your finger in my face. "Naomi, get your finger, out of my face."  "What are you going to do, NOTHING!"   "This my second time, asking you, let me go."  Feline gave me a hard slap, to my face, then I believe, I channeled, Mom.   A hard banging on the door, the trying to get in,  finally the Super opened the door, The Reigns men and even my family were ready to stop a " blood bath ". Nico's laughter could be heard, the only sound for about two seconds. "Umm, Luc, you better calm your daughter down." The Reigns men were stunned. Taminah on the floor, holding her midsection, Nia ,screaming, "My hole, my hole."  Naomi huddled in a corner, in shock, and Feline, alot worse, than she came to this "dance with",  black mascara that complimented, two very clear shiners.  Terrence, jokingly told Dwayne and the other Reigns men,"Did I mention, my cous, "Little Girl" was a sixth level Tai Chi master, in other words, a black belt!"

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