I Do, Oh Hell No!

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  Feline turned a very pale white, to a sickly green.  Semi, kept his eyes on his feet, and his hand on his cock.  Nia tried to get all of us to leave, so the wedding could continue,  but Nikki said; " Not before we all know the truth, about Feline, a truth Roman needs to know." " How did you know about the test results?" "Test results,  what test results?"  "What are you, speaking of?"  Since the video screen was prepared, Brandon just played the disc.   The image was clear as a bell, the sound sharpas a rapier.  The means filled the air, as did the noises of pure pleasure and ecstacy.  The loud sucking was hear clear, as the partner was out of view, Semi entoned," Come on baby, you know how, "Daddy" likes, long and hard. Tge sucking got louder, "Uhhh, I am coming now, a milky white squirt exited his penis, and found it's way in the mouth, up the nose and in the hair of his partner, revealed to be by her laugh, Roman almost blew and attacked Semi, squeezing the life from him, his face turned purple, his eyes bulged, Rosey forced his fingers from the throat of Semi, making it easier for him to breathe. Feline was sputtering, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.  " Roman, I love you, I would nev-ver, cheat on you, that video was taken a year ago."  Nia and Taminah, nodding like a couple of "bobbleheads ", agreed.  I finally had enough, Roman turned to the Tribal Magistrate, to continue the wedding.  Semi, was trying to block, someone from entering.  "Roman, far be it from me, to stop you from marrying, the "love of your life, your baby mama, but,  didn't Feline just swear,  that video was taken a more than a year ago,  how the dress, she just purchased at Nordstrom's, showed you and I the dress and the dates receipt,  purchased only three days ago..."  " So, you'll do anything, not, to dishonor your Grandma,  yes, so what I bought the dress, yesterday, what is your point, Nyssa?  I was about to wipe, that Clemency type mocking grin, off her face.  " My point is, you and Semi, were "butt naked", in the room and in the bedroom. " " So, "girl please!"  She put the palm in my face, I slapped it out of my face. " What, I think, Hitler's please.  I presented the court, with one irrefutable fact,  "Naomi, Nyah, Tamina, you all want to believe Feline, but my point is.. how can dress in the window, be in a video, from a year or so, in the past, how can the same gown, I booked in advance, and she only found out about through you three ladies?" Nikki chimed in, the dress wasn't released from Versace, well it released for in and outside of Europe, two days ago."  Roman's face flushed with irritation, Naomi tried to lessen the blow, one little slip up.  Strike two, came in the form of Maga, demanding payment for a resort charge on his and Lou's credit card.   The date was two nights ago.  " I was lonely,  you contemplating leaving us.." " So, you slept with Semi?!"  " What again Uso?"  "Again?"  Naomi silently hoped and begged her spouse to keep, quiet, but Jimmy, told all, even the reason for Dwayne's medical report.  It was obvious that, I do was becoming Hell No, faster than Clark Kent can change into Superman.

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