Four Months Later..😇

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  Nyssa was writing in the baby book for the girls.   The twins each had their own baby book especially made for them.  One was a soft peppermint pink  💗.

           Nadia Zendaya Mary Reigns was sent Heaven's Gates on the thirty first day of March.  She was born at 11:50 pm.  She weighed 6lbs. 2ozs. and was 16.8 inches.  

   Mother's memories, 
         Nadia is named for a sister of mine, returned to the Angels, before we had the chance to know or love 💘 her, this Nadia will not be unloved, she is honored like her namesake auntie. 
  The second book was a deep blush, and belonged to the second twin 💞, the second baby, and a unexpected beautiful surprise, but welcome into this USA.

   Natalya Elizabeth Angela Reigns was the second gift from Heaven, sent   to our family's ❤ loving embrace.  She was born the thirty first day of March.  She was born at 11:59pm, she weighed 5lbs. 14 ozs. and was 16.5 inches at birth.

Mother's Memories
      Natalya was determined to be delivered in March, like her sister.  A welcome surprise ☺, the painful fatigue meant nothing else, to these two little gifts of God, the my Savior sent for me to be mother to.  I both my girls, Roman was surprised, pleasantly.   Twenty photos of He and I holding the twins, tiny and newly arrived.

    Breastfeeding twins isn't easy, but Mom, mine and Roman were always there to lend a helping hand.  Sometimes Grandparents, had a treat, breast milk in bottles 🍼, so they could feed the girls.  Nikki was on help to give a hand after school.  Nate would be there to make funny faces and tickle tiny toes.

   Mom came to find out if we would be interested in meeting a distant family.  " Remember, Uncle Theodore?" " Yes, Mama, why?"  "Well, I got a call from your Aunt Martha, and they would like to meet us."    "Let me talk it over, with Roman."   Mom nodded hopefully.

     Roman came home later, and over dinner, I discussed it  with him.  Since the babies were too young for Hawaii  so, he agreed, it's alot of  planning with one infant, we have two.

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