Have Yourself a Merry Little Life Day

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Okay, so I came up with this when I was on a whole christmas kick during summer (happens every year for some reason). I wrote this about a year ago so criticism is accepted lol. So without further delay, my first published one-shot! 


Anakin hated the war this time of year. It's not like a galaxy wide war could stop for Life Day but, Force, he wished it did. He used to have so much fun opening presents around the tree. So many memories of snowball fights, making a gingerbread Temple, and hot cocoa by the fire. But of course, that all changed when the war started. Every Life Day they would be on the battle field trying not to die. This year was no exception.

They were on Ryloth, camping after a full day of battle. The fire was cracking, soft snow was falling, and everyone was gathered around. The clones were huddled together with blankets to keep warm. Ahsoka was sitting next to Anakin, her cloak wrapped tightly around her small frame. Anakin wrapped his arm around his padawan and pulled her close. She was shivering in the cold and he hoped his warmth would help. Ahsoka snuggled into his robe, grateful for the extra warmth.

Oh, how Anakin wished they were spending Life Day back at the Temple. The two Jedi would be sitting on the couch drinking hot cocoa and watching a movie. Although, they might end up dancing and singing songs. Still, it'd be better than spending Life Day freezing in silence on a foreign planet.

Wait. That's it! He could start a sing-a-long! And he knew the perfect song to sing.

"Have yourself a merry little Life Day. Let your heart be light." Anakin sang. He got a few blank stares after he stopped. He assumed that they weren't up for singing. He couldn't blame them but then he heard a small voice to his left.

"From now on, our troubles will be out of sight." Ahsoka sang, her voice clear. Anakin smiled at her. 

"Have yourself a merry little Life Day," Rex joined in with the clone battalion right behind him, "Make the Yule-tide gay. From now on, our troubles will be miles away." Everyone was singing now and it sounded as if there was a speaker projecting the song all around the galaxy. 

"Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore. Faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us once more." Anakin gave a Ahsoka hug. It was nice to be around friends. More like family, one big family.

"Through the years we all will be together, if the Force allows. Hang a shinning star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Life Day now."

Everyone shouted into the night time, "Merry Life Day!"

Anakin looked at his padawan. "Merry Life Day, Snips." Ahsoka looked up, her eyes half closed. "Merry Life Day, Skyguy." And with that, the two Jedi fell asleep, leaning against each other.


Small little one-shot but I hoped you guys liked it. I didn't really know how to end it (it was WIP in my notebook) so, yeah the ending sucks. Thanks for reading and I hope to have another one-shot edited soon. 

<3 Katie

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