Auntie Snips?

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I wanted to at least give you guys this while I'm away. I had written this before I had announced that I would be away for a week and just realized it was still in my drafts. Hope you guys all enjoy!! 

"Luke, Leia, come here, please!" Anakin called to his children from the kitchen. Both twins came running in; Luke with a small Santa hat perched on his head and Leia with a fake holly decoration weaved into her braided crown. Judging by the minimal amount of hair sticking out, Padmé had just done it.

"Is Auntie 'Soka here yet?" Luke asked excitedly. Leia tried peaking around her father to look for her aunt. Anakin shook his head as he backed up, making sure Leia couldn't see what was hidden behind his back.

"No, not yet. She's almost here, though. Now, if you two will repeat after me, I'll give you two some candy." he said, holding his hands out so they could see the striped red and white candy. The twins tried to grab them but he put his hands in the air to keep the candy away from them.

"Only if you say 'Auntie Snips'."

"Auntie Snips!" Luke exclaimed, a slight lisp. He was eight now but still had his baby lisp and it was very cute.

"Good job, Luke." Anakin congratulated his son then turn to his daughter. "Now you, Leia."

"Auntie Snips." she giggled, the name foreign to her.

"Perfect! Now, when Ahsoka comes, I want you to call her Auntie Snips, okay? Then I'll give you the candy." They nodded, glancing at each other with a sly smile. Suddenly, they heard a whoosh as the front door opened and a voice called out.

"Where's the welcoming committee? I had to let myself in!"

"Auntie 'Soka!" the twins yelled. Both ran towards the front room, trying to be the first to hug their aunt.

"Hey, ladybug. What's up, Skyguy Jr.?" Ahsoka greeted the kids, giving both a hug and ruffling Luke's hair.

"Guys, what about the candy?" Anakin asked as he entered the room. Leia giggled as Luke spoke up.

"Sorry, but Auntie 'Soka gives us candy anyways."

"Speaking off, there's a bag of candy in my backpack." Ahsoka said and the twins excitedly went through her small backpack. They pulled out the candy and ran to their room, giggling to themselves.

"Why did you have to bring them candy?" Anakin fake whined once the twins were out of earshot.

"Nice to see you too, Skyguy." Ahsoka said, sarcastically.

"I wanted them to call you Auntie Snips." he continued as if he hadn't heard her comment.

"I've been good, tha- wait, Auntie Snips?"

"You know I pushed to have them call you Auntie Snips since they were born," he said.

"So, you decided that you would try to get them to call me a different name after they've been calling me Auntie 'Soka since they could talk? Great idea." she said, her signature smirk on her face.

"Oh, laugh it up and give me a hug, will you?" Anakin brushed off her comment, opening his arms to envelop his former padawan in a big hug. Ahsoka walked over and hugged him, barely being as tall as him. She was still short but the added three inches her montrals had made her and Anakin the same height.

A thought suddenly crossed the togruta's mind. It was only a few minutes into her weekend long visit and both her and Anakin had easily slipped into their joking nature. They weren't just master and padawan, they were more like siblings. Or father/daughter. Sometimes it wasn't too clear.

"I missed you, Skyguy." Ahsoka whispered into his shoulder. Anakin smiled at the all too familiar nickname.

"I missed you too, Snips." he said, with a gentle squeeze. It had been so long since the of them had seen each other in person. The last time being for the twin's birthday at least seven months ago. Ahsoka had gotten really busy at the repair shop she worked at. She enjoyed it but she wanted some time off to spend time with her niece and nephew along with Anakin and Padmé.

"You need to come over more often or I will drag you here myself." Anakin said pulling away and looking dead serious. Ahsoka opened her mouth to answer but he cut her off.

"I'll bring the twins. Don't think I won't use them to get you out of there." Ahsoka sighed in defeat.

"I'll think about it. Meanwhile, I need to get these presents under the tree." She put the rust red wrapped boxes with small green bows under the tree in section to the right. There was a few others wrapped in blue and red wrapping paper, obviously the ones from Anakin and Padmé.

"I'm going to guess that those two are the ones for Luke and Leia?" Anakin asked as she finished putting them under the tree. He was pointing to the only two boxes that were the exact same size.

"Yup." she replied, popping the 'p'. "Now, I want to spend some time with my niece and nephew so if you will excuse me."

Ahsoka went to play with the twins while Anakin and Padmé cooked Life Day Eve dinner. Obi-Wan had arrived before it was ready and helped in the kitchen. The whole house was filled with laughter and happiness of the family together. And why wouldn't it be? It's the Skywalker Clan after all. What more could you possibly want.


Yes, I know. Ladybugs probably don't exist in Star Wars but I wanted to give Leia a cute nickname and I wanted it to be something close to her name. Leia, ladybug. Yeah, let's just all pretend it makes sense and move on. 

I hope you guys are having a wonderful morning/afternoon/night/day and I'll see you soon!!! :)

<3 Katie 

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