Santa isn't real?

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"Daddy, is Santa coming tonight?" Little Leia asked, her voice in almost a whisper so as not to wake Luke in the next bed. She was wearing her new red pajamas that Ahsoka had given her to wear for Life Day. Anakin pulled the blanket down so she could climb in but she sat down on the edge of the mattress.

"Leia," he said with a sigh, "you're getting to be a big girl now. You know Santa isn't real right?"

Her bottom lip trembled ever so slightly and her eyes widened. "Santa isn't real?" Anakin nodded. "But what about the presents under the tree in the morning? Or the milk and cookies being gone?" The former jedi master just sighed. He knew that this day would come sooner or later after Ahsoka told the twins about Santa.

"Me and Mommy put the presents under the tree, little one. The milk and cookies, that's all 'Soka. I'm sorry, Leia, but that's the truth." he said, runnng a hand through her brunette hair. Leia just looked at him for a moment before her face hardened into an angry face.

"I don't believe you!" she said, raising her voice before she got up from the bed and ran out of the room. She knew that the adults were conversing in the living room so that's were she went. Seeing the togruta in a Santa hat on the couch, she ran over and clutched at the hand that wasn't currently holding her drink.

"Auntie 'Soka!" the young girl cried out. Ahsoka glanced at Padmé, not wanting to jump in when her mother was right there. The senator gave her a small smile. Leia always went to her aunt when the togruta was staying over. "Daddy said that Santa isn't real and- and he said that you eat the cookies. That's not true, right?"

"Aww, Lei-Lei. Your father is very wrong. Santa is most certainly real. Besides, I can't eat chocolate chip cookies, remember?" Leia nodded. "How could I eat the cookies? It would have to be Santa." Ahsoka finished, brushing her bangs away from her face.

"I guess so." she said uncertainly. "It's true, ladybug. Santa is as real as you and me." Ahsoka placed the Santa hat that was perched on her montral on to the young girl's head, the bottom of it slipping over her eyes due to it being to big on her.

"Go to bed now, Leia." Padmé told her softly as she reached over and adjusted the hat to sit above her eyes. Leia nodded and walked back to her room, humming "Santa Clause Is Coming To Town". Ahsoka laughed slightly at her childlike wonder. She didn't need to ruin this poor girl's love of Santa by telling her the truth but it would have to come someday. That someday was not anytime soon, though.

Anakin walked into the living room after a few minutes, his flesh hand rubbing his forehead. He flopped onto the couch next to Ahsoka with a sigh. "Thanks to you, both my kids will be believing in Santa untill they die because 'Auntie Soka doesn't lie'." he said, using air quotes. Ahsoka giggled.

"Well, not when they die. Just until they turn 18."

Anakin shot her a dangerous look and she turned back to Padmé and Obi-Wan, silently begging them to help her.

"Oh, leave her alone, Ani." his wife told him. "The twins deserve some Life Day magic in these times. Especially for their age. Give Ahsoka a break." The senator placed a hand on her husband's hand lovingly. Anakin squeezed her hand and his features softened.

"Okay, I'll go easy on her. It is Life Day Eve after all. Spread some joy. Ho ho ho, Merry Life Day to one and all!" he said, in his best deep Santa voice. He used the force to turn on the radio and soft instrumental holiday music played through out the room as they sat together in comfortable silence. Everyone had smiles on their faces and a warmth in their hearts knowing that they were all together for the holidays. Even a certain twin was still up in her bed, listening to the music and smiling at the Santa voice she had heard.

"Merry Christmas." Leia whispered before falling asleep, dreaming about the morning to come. The morning of presents being exchanged, laughter from her family, chocolate chip pancakes and movie marathons. It was a joyous occasion during the holidays and Leia enjoyed every minute of it every year. 


Small little fic to cure my Christmas needs. It's really short but I'm going to write a part two sometime soon. 

On a very unrelated note, me and my irl friend have been texting for awhile today and she said she wants to get a tattoo with me! It'll have to be in three years so that I'm legal to get one. I'm so getting the Fulcrum symbol on the inside of my wrist (ashskywalker66 convinced me when she mentioned something about it in her one shot book) and my friend wants the same thing on her wrist. We'll be matching! Also, I really want to get my ears pierced and my mom agreed to letting my have them but she won't freaking take me! I'm convinced that if she won't take me before Christmas, I'll do it myself! Like in the movie Parent Trap where they pierced their ears with a needle, apple slice, and ice. I will do it!! I want to wear Christmas earrings, is that too much to ask!?

I hope you guys are having a wonderful morning/afternoon/night/day and I'll see you soon!!


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