From: Dad

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Hunter dug through his old locker, pushing aside extra blacks and fabric to repair Lula, until he got to what he was searching for. Knotted from just being thrown in the locker and Tech's flying habits jumbling the contents of everyone's lockers. It was easily fixed with a few pulls. The necklace, engraved with his CT number, was a gift from Cody. Right when he was promoted to sergeant. He'd worn it so often that the chain had to be replaced a few times. After the fifth time it happened, Hunter decided to keep it stored away in his locker, untouched by time. Now, he'd have to find a way to wrap it up nicely for Omega. A little memento for her first flight trip without them.

"Hunter? Are you in there?" Omega's accented voice floated into his room. Well, his shared room. All three of the bad batch members slept in the same room. It wasn't as spacious as their bunk room back on Kamino but it was bigger than what they had on the Marauder.

"Over here!" He called back to her. Quickly sealing his locker back up and stuffing the necklace into his pocket, Hunter turned to face Omega. His, technically older, sister had become like a daughter to him over the past few years. She'd grown taller, too. She was already up to Hunter's shoulder. Omega poked her head around the corner, peaking from the doorway. The sight reminded her of Crosshair when he was her age.

"Ah, there you are," She straightened and leaned against the doorframe, "Crosshair wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready." 

"What're we having?" With Crosshair, it could be anything. He'd taken up cooking in the months following Tantiss and he'd gotten really good at it. He found ways around the on handed-ness, getting tips from Echo every so often. He'd even figured out a few things himself.

"A sushi feast with fruit." 

Their first meal on Pabu. Crosshair wasn't there for that so Omega must've told him about it. 

"Sound delicious. I'll be there in a minute. Gotta finish something first." Hunter said, ushering her out of the room. Omega brightened.

"I can help." She offered.

"No can do, kiddo." Hunter said, shaking his head and a fond smile on his face. Her love of helping everyone, especially her brothers, was still kicking strong.

"But Crosshair already kicked me out of the kitchen. I need something to do." Hunter thought moment.

"What's Wrecker doing?" He asked.

"He's playing outside with Batcher." 

"Why don't you go join for a few minutes while I finish up?" Hunter suggested. Omega huffed but nodded.

"Alright." She walked away, turning once to give Hunter her best sad tooka eyes, before sighing and walking away. She wasn't really that sad about it. He could by the way her exaggerated frown twitched into a smile before falling back down. 

"I promise, I won't be long." Hunter said, disappearing back into the room.

Hunter found the small box that he'd been saving. The vendors around Pabu were so creative. One vendor had found the perfect little box for Hunter's necklace. It was a dark blue box with gold detailing. The lady, friend of Omega's, hand painted the designs on every one of her boxes. He laid the cord in underneath the soft black plush, placing the ingot charm in the middle. As he closed the lid, Hunter thought of the many times Omega had seen the necklace.

The first being when he wasn't there. She had mentioned seeing it when she snuck into their barracks. Trying it on, she found it went down to her waist. Not a bad length if it was intentional. Omega didn't really get a chance to admire it before she was forced out by the regs.

The second time, she asked about it. They were flying away from Saleucami. Hunter had admitted to not grabbing it when they were back on Kamino. His reasoning being that he was just looking for her that time, not his belongings. He should've seen how the fatherly tendencies that he usually saw only in Cut were right in front of his eyes in how he treated Omega.

When they were back on Kamino for Hunter, they were just trying to stay alive. Crosshair and his sharp tone weren't doing any favors in calming anyone down from the chaos that just happened. When they stopped for a few minutes in their old barracks, Omega noticed the necklace, forgotten near Hunter's bunk. It must've gotten lost when she didn't put it back in the locker and it just didn't get put with the batch's stuff when the regs cleared it out. She had stuffed it into her pocket at that moment and waited for a good time to mention to Hunter that she found it. They were all surprised at the pure coincidence of it being in the barracks along with the luck that it wasn't lost in the ocean when Omega went back for AZI.

It was forgotten after that, kept safe in Hunter's locker aboard the Marauder. When their ship got destroyed nearly two years later, they salvaged the parts, finding parts that could still be used. Their lockers, though very dented, were intact. They kept them for sentimental value, nothing in there useful after they retired on Pabu.

Hunter tied a light blue ribbon around the box. It was Omega's favorite color right now. Her light blue sweater vest, the hair ribbon Lyana gave her, the dozens of blue clothing in her closet. She'd mentioned before that it had become her favorite because on Kamino and Tantiss, the skies had always been so dreary and dark grey but here on Pabu, the skies were most often blue. Even the rain storms were a lot brighter than Kamino's. She'd joked it was because her brothers were there to make it more fun and maybe that was true.

He finished the bow and held the box in his hand. There, the perfect little gift.

Hunter wrote on the little tag attached to the box and prepared to give it to her.

'For: Omega' the first part read.

He after writing the second part, he read his writing over and over, still not believing it sometimes even when he heard it dozen's of times a day.

"Dad!" Omega yelled across the house. "Crosshair's getting hangry!" There was shouting coming from both Wrecker and Crosshair, Omega's laughter joining in whenever they said something ridiculous. A particular phrase from Crosshair had Hunter chuckling.

"Crosshair, no murder!" A common sentence yelled or uttered since their cadet years, mainly by Hunter but also by Tech. Hunter left his room, took one more glance at the tag, and joined the chaos that was his family.

The print underneath Omega's name read 'From: Dad' and Hunter would wear the title proudly, as much so as he did his sergeant title during the clone war. Because that was his little girl, his daughter, whether she was mentally older than him or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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