Love you, Dad

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MandolorianJedi, I wanted to write a new chapter for your writing contest but I waited till the last minute and now it's hectic with school tests and such. This is one of my favorite of the Bad Batch fics I wrote (also the one the fits the word count) so this will be my entry!!


It was raining on Ord Mantell. It rarely ever rained this hard or long, but Omega liked it. It reminded her of her home. Her old one. It was always raining on Kamino. To Omega, it's soothing. Always lulling her to sleep or being good background noise while reading. She curled up in her room with a soft blanket draped over her legs and a pillow behind her. Sitting next to the window at the end of her small room, she settled with a data pad on her lap with a book loaded onto it. A nice cozy day for reading.

"Hey, Kid! You in there?" Wreckers loud voice cut through the silence. She crawled over to the blanket blocking the entrance, It acted as her door when she wanted time to herself. She pulled it back to see Wrecker standing in front of her, dripping wet. "Oh, good! I've been looking everywhere for you. Want to go splash in the puddles?"

Omega thought for a second. If she went out, she could read later. If she stayed, the rain might let up and she won't get to play.

Omega made her decision. "Sure!" Wrecker shouted for joy as she made her way down the ladder. She quickly pulled in her boots, she had taken them off earlier so she could be comfy, and ran down the ramp with Wrecker close behind. They splashed and kicked water at each other as soon as they reached the ground. Their clothes soaked through within minutes but they didn't notice nor care while they continued to kick water up at each other. Soon they were worn out and the rain turned to light sprinkles.

Wrecker pulled Omega up onto his shoulders and walked down the street to get some Mantell Mix before they went back into the Marauder. They didn't get very far before Hunter's voice yelled out at them. He didn't sound too happy.

"What are you two doing?" He asked from the top of the ramp. They were busted. Slowly, Wrecker walked up the ramp, letting Omega slide off his shoulders so she wouldn't hit her head. "I take my eyes off you guys for half an hour. Half an hour! And you two decide to wander into the rain. You're going to get sick. What were you thinking?" Hunter said, handing the pair warm towels to dry off a bit. Omega was shivering but Wrecker, with his enhancements, was fine.

"W-we w-wanted to p-play." she said, shivering. Hunter knew to get her into dry clothes soon or she'd get sick. Omega sneezed three times right then. Yeah, she's already sick.

"Okay, Omega, if your up for it, go take a warm shower. If not at least put on some dry clothes. Wrecker, go see if we have an clean shirt lying around so she can use as a pajama shirt." Hunter commanded both of them. Omega headed to refreasher as soon as Wrecker handed her the shirt. She would take a nice shower then read for a bit. Hunter went to the small kitchen in the back of the ship and prepared some hot cocoa for Wrecker and Omega and some tea for himself.

Omega was out of the shower in 10 minutes wearing Tech's old shirt and some leggings. She had on some fuzzy slippers Cid had given to her a couple days ago. Her hair was slightly dry but still wet, her bangs in her eyes. Hunter noticed how she sniffled every couple of seconds. Giving the young girl the warm drink and going to the next room to give Wrecker his. He came back to see Omega had a small cocoa mustache. He smiled. She could always make him smile even when he was worried for her.

Wrecker came up behind Hunter and sat next to Omega at the table. They became very interested in their drinks. Both knew that a lecture was coming.

"Omega." Hunter addressed the young girl and took a seat across from her. She looked up, guilty. He couldn't stay mad at her when she had that look. "Go blow your nose. While your in the 'fresher, grab me the thermometer." It wasn't what she was expecting but she hopped off the chair, happy she didn't get scolded.

She returned with the thermometer in her hand. Hunter took it and scanned her head to get read on her temperature.

101 degrees Fahrenheit. (38.33 for the celsius peeps)

A fever. A slight one but one non the less.

"Omega, I want you to go bed now, okay?" Hunter said, trying not to let the worry creep into his voice. Omega looked sad but headed to her room without complaint. Once she was gone, Wrecker turn to his brother.

"Hunter? What's wrong? I know that face." Hunter drained his cup and placed it in the sink. "Omega has a fever. I don't want it to get worse. I also don't want to coddle her." he said and sat down with his head in his hands. He didn't know what to do. No one in the batch had experience with kids. Wait! Echo was in the 501st. He had to have taken care of Commander Tano at some point. He got up quickly and made his way to the small room in the back where he knew the clone would be.

Echo was on his bed with a holo book in front of him. He looked up when he heard Hunter come in. "Hey, Echo. I need to ask you something." Hunter said, standing in the doorway. Echo nodded. "Have you ever cared for a kid with a fever?" As soon as he said it, Echo's eyes widened. "Does Omega have a fever?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"A slight one." Hunter tried to reassure the clone. "I just thought maybe you cared for Commander Tano at some point. I really don't know what to do for her."

"Well, it was mostly Rex and the General who was ever with the Commander when she was sick. I do remember Kix saying that with any fever, regardless of age, they need to have some fluids and lots of rest. To let the fever run it's course more or less." Hunter nodded at Echo's words. "Thanks, Echo." he said and walked back to the common space. The Marauder was small but it was cozy and quiet. Especially with Tech on a supply run. He wouldn't be saying one 'fun' fact after another. Although, his knowledge would come in handy when he came back. Maybe he would have something for Omega's fever.

Soft groaning broke the silence. Hunter turned towards the blanket that covered the opening of Omega's room. He made his way over but didn't lift the blanket. Yet. Knocking on the metal next to the opening, he called out to the girl. Hunter heard the shuffle of blankets and whimpering. He guessed she was asleep. Pushing away part of blanket, he saw Omega on her side. She was clutching Lulu tightly to her chest and the blankets were tangled around her legs. What worried him the most was the sweat on her forehead, drenching her bangs.

"Omega." Hunter whispered, gently shaking her legs. She didn't stir. He left, grabbed a washcloth, and ran it under cold water. Squeezing out the extra water, he went back to Omega's room. He climbed up the ladder and sat in the entrance, placing the cool cloth on her forehead. Her face scrunched at the touch but soon relaxed. She opened her eyes slightly and Hunter could see her eyes were glassed over and unfocused.

"Dad?" she asked. Hunter's heart warmed at the word. "Yeah, Omega?" She turned over to see him better. "Love you." As soon as she said it, her eyes fluttered closed and soft snores filled the room. Hunter smiled. 

She was tired, he convinced himself. 

She probably didn't mean to call him dad. Maybe she didn't know which member was there with her.

Or maybe she did mean it. Maybe Omega did think of him as her dad. Hunter always thought of the girl as his daughter. 

"I love you too, Omega." he said. 

One day, they could all live without the war and Omega could be a normal girl. One day.

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