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It was an all out firefighting the Imperial hanger. Blaster bolts going every which way, the batch dodging all of them. Omega was hiding behind a crate next to Hunter who was blasting at a trooper. It didn't look like they were going to win this one. 

"Hunter, we're going to make it out of this, right?" Omega asked, pushing down any thoughts of getting captured. Hunter crouched next to her. "Don't worry, Omega. We're going to be just fine. We're going to make it out of here."

 No sooner had he finished then did a blaster bolt pierce through the air aimed for Omega. Hunter blocked the girl with his body. She let out a scream, watching the life go from his eyes as he gasped for breath when the blaster bolt hit its mark.

His heart.

"No." she whispered. No, no, no this can't be happening. They were all supposed to make it out together.

 "It's okay, Omega." he rasped. She pulled the clone over to be covered by the crates better. He held out his hand and she took it, holding it tightly. "You know, I always hoped I'd go out on the field. But protecting you is the best way." he started coughing and the younger clone tensed.

"You're like my daughter, Omega. Take care of the batch for me." With that the last bit of life went out of his eyes and his hand loosed in Omega's small one.

"No, no, no. Hunter? Hunter! No, please come back. Please." She felt a hand on her shoulder shaking her. "No, no, Hunter please come back."

 "Omega, wake up. Come on, little 'un." That voice. Omega blinked her eyes open and focused her sights on the clone siting next to her shaking her awake. She recognized him immediately.

"Hunter!" she shouted, wrapping him in a hug. Her arms barely made it around his waist but she still held tight. Hunter hugged her back, surprised at her actions. That is until he heard small sobs coming from the girl.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm here." Hunter didn't know how much those words meant to her. He rubbed her back gently and whispered comforting words to her until she stopped crying. She pulled away, wiping away stray tears and sat down with her legs folded under her.

 "Do you want to talk about it?" Hunter asked, referring to her dream. More like a nightmare. Omega grabbed the doll Wrecker gave her. Lula he called it. It gave her comfort.

"Not really. I'd rather talk about something else." she said. Hunter understood. He had nightmares himself sometimes. Even though the clone war ended, the war and everything he had experienced will always live with him. He scooted over to sit next to her and put his arm around the girl's shoulders. She was so little compared to the batch.

 "Did I ever tell you about the time Wrecker burnt the ration pack he tried to warm up?" Omega shook her head and leaned into his side. "No? Well, you in for quite the story."

They stayed right there, Hunter telling Omega stories about the old days when they were on mission and would play around. Both fell asleep when the sun started rising. No one bothered them till they woke up. By then, Omega's dream was long forgotten and she was back to her cheery self.

Super short and small little fic that I wrote on the short car ride to a nearby farmer's market. We saw some people we knew from another farmers market we went to a month ago. I even got some butter toffee peanut and they are delicious!!!!😍Can't wait to go again!!

Hope you enjoyed! Have a good morning/afternoon/night/day and I'll see you soon!!

<3 Katie (just realized I go back and forth between Kate and Katie XD)

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