Prank Wars!!

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"Master! Master! Anakin Skywalker, wake the kriff up!" Ahsoka yelled, shaking the man in front of her. Anakin opened his eyes groggily and saw Ahsoka's scared face. He was immediately awake knowing his padawan was scared.

"Ahsoka, what's wrong?" he asked, sitting up. "There's an attack on the temple. We need to get out, now!" Anakin got up and hurried out of the room, making sure Ahsoka was right next to him. He pressed the button to open the door and it slid open. He ran out not realizing that there was a giant wall of foam pit squares. He hit his head and fell back.

"What the kriff?" he said in disbelief. Ahsoka was snickering behind him. "Gotcha!" she said in between her giggles.

"That's not funny, Ahsoka." Anakin said angrily. He rubbed his forehead while getting up. Walking over, he pressed against the foam wall. "How did you do this?"

"I had a bit of help." the girl said before another voice came from the other side.

"Ahsoka, did it work?" the accented voice asked. "Worked like a charm, Master Kenobi." she yelled back. "Mind taking it out so we can leave?" There was no answer but the foam squares slowly fell away, toppling to the ground to reveal Obi-Wan on the other side.

"Master." Anakin whined. "Why would you do that to me. I wanted to sleep." Both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka shared a look before doubling over in giggles.

"Prank wars." the girl replied. Anakin shoot her a look. "Oh, that's how it's going to be? Well then, I'm going to get you back, Snips. Just you wait." Ahsoka smirked.

"Sure. Well, I have to go. Barriss promised we could watch the new horror movie in her quarters. I'll be back later!" She grabbed a bag next to the door that Anakin didn't notice before and left.

"Oh, Snips. You don't know what you just started." He rubbed his hands together and cackled evilly. It lasted two seconds before he started coughing. "Blast, I can never do that right." Obi-Wan laughed at him before leaving.


"Master! I'm back!" Ahsoka said, placing her bag down in the doorway. She saw a single light on in the kitchen but all the others were off. "Master?" Silence. Every scene in the horror movie she just watched flashed in her mind and heart rate elevated.

"Okay." she drawled, her voice shaking. Taking a few steps forward, she turned on the hallway light so that it wasn't so dark. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and went into the kitchen, placing her lightsabers down on the counter. She noticed that there was a single granola bar with togruta friendly chocolate chips on the table. She reached for it but as soon as her hand touched it, both lights went out. Ahsoka yelped and backed up against the island. Inching around it, she felt her way to her room.

"Okay, okay, I'm just scaring myself. Stop it, Ahsoka." she muttered to herself, opening the door to her room and backing into the room, her eyes trained on shadows in the dark. She let out a couple breaths as the door closed in front of her. She rested her forehead on the cool metal of the door before turning around and letting out a loud scream.

Behind her, standing in the middle of the room, was a figure in a dark cloak. The figure's face was darkened but also a strange red glow was coming from it. She scrambled backwards, pressing the button multiple times in her panic. Once it was open, Ahsoka ran to the front door to get out of their quarters as fast as she could. Stumbling in her haste, she made it to the front door but the it wouldn't open.

"Oh my Force. Open up!" she said, anger and fear mixing together in her voice. She took a look behind her and then her fear went from high to extremely high. The figure was walking towards her. "No, no, no, this can't be happening. Open up!" Ahsoka yelled, banging her hands on the door. She went to grab her lightsabers but forgot that she put them on the counter. Her fear skyrocketed knowing that she couldn't protect herself with her weapons nor cut a hole in the door.

"Stay away!" she yelled, pressed up against the door. The figure walked slowly towards her then stopped five feet away. She was breathing heavily for a few moments while the figure just stood there. The robes moved then a lightsaber ignited and the color was red. Her breath was stolen from her lungs and she froze. It took a slow step forward and she slid down to sit down against the door.

"Please no! Please, please, don't hurt me!" Ahsoka cried, covering her face. Silent tears ran down her face as she heard the footsteps get closer.

"Snips, it's okay. It's just me. It's okay." Anakin's voiced soothed her. Her breathing was shaky and her tears were still falling down her cheeks as she lifted her head to see that a mask was in her master's hands. Her eyes darted to his face and she saw his face, full of caring.

"It's okay, Snips. It was just me. I gotcha." The girl chuckled a little at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Yeah, I guess you did." she said quietly. He wrapped her in a hug which she gratefully accepted. When she pulled away. she punched his arm. Hard.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" she said firmly. "Especially after just watched a horror film." Anakin rubbed the spot where she hit and nodded.

"Wow, you hit hard." he said, holding his arm. Ahsoka just shrugged. "You scared me so badly, be glad I didn't have my lightsabers. I would've sliced your head off." They both laughed knowing she would've been standing there frozen in fear.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka." Anakin apologized. "I shouldn't have tried to scare you like that."

"It's okay, Master." she said smiling. "Just please don't do it again." He nodded and helped her up.

"I promise." 

Small little thing my sister came up with last night. I was in a hurry to write this because I wanted to get it published before we leave to go shopping so I might rewrite this later or fix some errors I made. My little sister often has really great ideas even if I don't make them into stories. We often roleplay at night when we can't sleep and it makes into my fics sometimes. 

I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/night/day and I'll see you soon!!

<3 Katie

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