Post Order 66

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I couldn't think of a good title so go with it lol. This is an old fic that I wrote about a week after the finale. I did very few revisions, mostly grammatical errors. Enjoy!!!

Ahsoka stood in front of the graves of her brothers. The dusty moon blew dirt into her eyes. Or maybe that's just what she was telling herself. She shouldn't be crying. Couldn't. But who was she kidding. Her friends, her brothers, the people she fought with for so long, were controlled against their will and turned against her. The people who swore to protect her, were all gone. 

Their pain was short lived. They died peacefully. That's what she told herself but it didn't stop the lump that formed in her throat, wanting so desperately to come out. She wanted to let down her shields and let all her emotions out for once, but she couldn't. She knew if she let down her shields and try to connect to Anakin, that he wouldn't be there. Something had happened to him. Their bond was severed, no longer pulsing with light and fun. Anakin, her best friend, someone who always had a joke for her or a hug, was gone. 

A small tear rolled down her cheek. She never really got to say goodbye to him. Only good luck. So much much for that. Hopefully Obi-Wan was able to give her message to him before he died. Another tear rolled down. Obi-Wan. Was he okay? Was he alive? Or did he.... Ahsoka didn't let herself finish that sentence. No amount of what ifs could bring either of them back so why start down that thought process? 

How could war be so cruel? How could the council be so cruel? To send kids into war? Ahsoka was 14 when she was thrown into the clone war, expected to act like a commander when she had zero experience and almost no tactical thinking for full on battles. She knew how to use lightsabers and defend herself without them but she couldn't start commanding people. It was proved that time on Ryloth. She lost so many troopers that day. Friends that she had made before the battle. How could life be so cruel to take away so many people from her life. So many people she loved and none of them were coming back.

More tears fell as Ahsoka looked over the helmets of her fallen brothers. Her eyes landed on Jesse's helmet. Jesse was such a good friend. He had a tough and serious exterior for the higher ups but underneath it was someone who loved to joke and play pranks. Someone who would listen to her and offer comfort when Anakin and Rex were gone. He would be greatly missed along with the many troopers. The paint on their helmets was in tribute for her and she wished she take the chips out of all of them. To give all of them the second chance they deserved.

Ahsoka looked down and unclipped her lightsaber from her belt. The one tie she had to the Jedi. Holding it in her palm, Ahsoka let it roll in her hand. She didn't want to leave it. She wanted to keep it, the memories attached to it were so precious. It rolled again in her hand and she made her decision. Letting it fall, it dropped, letting a clank out as a cloud of dirt float up. Ahsoka turned to look up at the sky trying to stop her tears as she heard light footsteps coming from behind her.

"Commander?" Rex called out. Ahsoka smiled sadly at the name that Rex had always called her by. Turning, she saw him standing a few feet away from her. "Are you okay?" he asked. Her mind came up with different responses but none of them sounded convincing.

"Yeah. I'm fine." she lied. Rex saw right through it, as expected, but he didn't say anything about it. "We should probably keep moving. We don't want anyone tracking us to this moon." he said. Ahsoka nodded. "Right, keep moving." She sounded like she was in a daze. Who could blame her  after everything that had happened the past few days. Ahsoka started walking towards the Y-Wing that had been repaired after their not so smooth landing. Rex, who was very concerned for the girl he saw as his vod'ika, his little sister, wrapped an arm around her in a side hug. Ahsoka, snapped out of her daze, was caught off guard. She had rarely gotten hugs, only a couple of them from Anakin when he left on missions and was going to be gone awhile. It was against the Jedi Code to form attachments. Or was. The Order had fallen and had she ever really followed their rules anyway. 

Ahsoka leaned into his embrace. She loved hugs and her tears returned, falling silently. This time it was tears of gratefulness for Rex being there for her. "Thank you, Rex. I needed that." she said to the clone. Rex smiled and rubbed her arm. "You're welcome, kid." Ahsoka leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes. The plastiod of his armor was hard but to her, it was a nice pillow. She was so exhausted, physically and mentally, that she need to rest her head on something. Rex guided her gently to the ship, making sure that she wouldn't trip. He understood her need to rest. She had used so much energy swinging her lightsaber, protecting both him and herself in that battle. "I got you, Ahsoka. I got you." he whispered into her montral. Ahsoka smiled, her eyes opening slightly. "Thanks, Rexter." 

They both knew that life in this broken galaxy would be hard but together they could make it. Maybe one day they might be able to live in this galaxy without some sort of evil lingering over their heads. Hopefully soon. With the sun setting, they left the moon. To where, they didn't know yet. But they would get through this. Together.


Gotta say, I teared up writing this onto here. Order 66 hits different when you write about it, apparently. To this day, I can't watch Victory and Death or Revenge of the Sith without crying. I'm a baby, I know but someone else is out there who does it too so I know I'm not alone.

I hope you guys are having an awesome morning/afternoon/night/day and I'll see you soon!!!! Ily guys!!!

<3 Katie

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