I missed you!

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Ahsoka and Anakin had only been padawan/master duo for a week and they were already so close. Granted, their banter was more like fighting but they never stayed mad at each other for long. A spitting image of siblings. Always yelling at each other one minute and telling jokes the next.

Until Anakin got a mission. Off world. Without Ahsoka.

It was supposed to be just one night away. Until it turned to two. Then three. Then there was no due back date. Ahsoka just wanted to have her buddy back. The person she could joke with and play games with.

She couldn't stand it any longer. Ahsoka needed Anakin back with her. Needed his quick wit, his comfort. The next best thing to having him here was his jedi robes. Anakin never wore them unless he went to the council and even then he sometimes wouldn't wear it. No matter if it was one that he never wore, it always had his scent and it was so over sized it gave her warmth. Like a hug.

Ahsoka stole one of his robes from his room and then headed off to watch a movie. She fell asleep half way through her third movie, waiting for Anakin to come back.

Anakin finally came back at 0300. He was so tired that he passed the report off to Rex and went straight for his shared quarters. Stumbling into his room, he realized his closet was open. Why would my closet be open, he thought, I don't remember opening it. He walked over to his closet and started to close the door when he noticed an empty hanger. "Wait, where's my robe?"  Anakin asked the silence. He turned and looked around his room. Surprisingly, there was no robes on the floor. That's a first. He decided to check the living room, now fully awake.

"Ah, there it is." Anakin sighed. He went over to grab it but noticed two blue montrals poking out of the hood. "Oh, Snips." he whispered, kneeling down next to her. He lifted the hood slightly to see her face. She was sleeping peacefully, her face relaxed and youthful. She looked more ten than fourteen. 

"Snips," Anakin whispered, "Snips. Hey, Ahsoka." When she heard her name, Ahsoka stirred and sleepily blinked her eyes open. "Master?" she whispered, her eyes bleary and unfocused. "Hey, Snips. Ya miss me?" Anakin barely got his sentence out before Ahsoka wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "I'll take that as a yes." he said, hugging her back.

"Oh, really! You think? I don't just steal your stuff out of nowhere." Ahsoka said. She broke the hug and sat down on the couch, pulling the robe back around her like a blanket. "Why were you so late?" Anakin sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulders, letting her lean onto him. "I'm sorry. We got delayed since there was way more droids than we expected. We had to take out a whole base full of them. I didn't mean to make you worried." he said, giving her arm a light squeeze.

"I missed you." she said, her voice close to a whisper. Her eyes were drooping but before they could fully close, she startled herself awake. She didn't want to go back to sleep. Anakin noticed and let her lean her head against him, using his arm as a pillow. She didn't yet reach his shoulder. It made Anakin realize how little she really was. Just a small child in a big world and an even bigger war. Life was unfair sometimes.

He started humming a lullaby his mother often sang to him when he was young. It put Ahsoka right to sleep and soon little snores and soft purrs came from the little padawan. It wasn't often that she purred. He just found out about it the other day. It was really cute.

"Good night, my little padawan." Anakin whispered to her and almost as an after thought he added, "I missed you, too, Snips."


I have no idea how I managed to write this but here ya go!! I've had no inspo after writing the Phoenix chapters and then this little fic made it's way to my drafts. Hope you enjoyed some fluff.

Random question: What is your favorite episode from Clone Wars season 1???

Mine is Mystery of a Thousand Moons. It just shows how Anakin is so attached to Ahsoka even after knowing her for like what? A month? And Padme, like Anakin is so obviously in love with her and is willing to do anything for her. I wouldn't be surprised if that's when Ahsoka found out about the two of them being a couple.

I hope you guys are having an amazing morning/afternoon/night/day and I'll see you soon!!

<3 Katie

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