63. νι¢тιмιzαтισи

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~Things seem to hit when you least expect them, but you know what they say... Bad things come in threes.~


A knock on the hotel room door startled Puzzle and me, and he jumped up and ran to the door, wrapping a towel around his waist. I crawled into the bed and covered up, watching as he opened the door. "Ashton is here right?" Blake asked in a hurry and Puzzle nodded, blocking me with the door. "Ashton's mom is at the police station right now, we need to go," Blake said, and I jumped up and grabbed my hoodie and my swimsuit bottom, walking over to the door. 

"Why is mom at the police station?" I asked, and he sighed deeply. 

"Just... come on, get dressed in something appropriate." He said, and I nodded, looking back at Puzzle who nodded. I smiled a little and ran across the hall, running inside and throwing on the first outfit I found that was decent, and ran straight back out into Blake. Blake smiled a little and kissed me on the head, taking my hand and leading me out to the hotel entrance. I followed him out and to the car, getting in and buckling up. 

I was nervous about seeing my mom, but I needed to know what was happening. I stared out the window, too nervous about everything to even think about starting up music. It seemed like the ride to the police station was hours when in reality it was only about fifteen minutes. I was anxious to know what happened. 

"Calm down, she isn't being interrogated yet, they're waiting on you to get there," Blake said. "I figured you'd want to hear what she has to say." 

"I do," I said and sighed deeply. I took a deep breath and unbuckled myself. "I'm ready." I said, and got out of the car. Blake nodded and got out himself walking up to the front door of the police station. I followed him inside and let him lead me to the officer who had taken my statement. 

"Hey, we really need to get started, the station closes soon." The officer said and I nodded, letting him lead me to the interrogation room. "This is a double mirror. Can't see out but you can see in. You'll hear everything on the monitor right behind you, okay?" The officer said and I nodded. He nodded back and walked inside the interrogation room and sat the file down on the table in front of my mother. 

My mom looked a lot different than I remembered, tireder. Older. "Hello ma'am my name is Officer Purdue with with Dakota county sheriffs department. I'm working the case about the break in to Blake Reynold's place. You asked to speak to me." 

"Yes... I.. well, my husband has been acting strange since our son met Mr Reynold's. Our son is dating him, and my husband didn't... appreciate that a lot." She said softly. "I don't know where my husband is, he disappeared yesterday afternoon and I heard about the break in... I couldn't not say anything." She said. 

"You are aware that this does not erase you as a suspect, correct?" He asked her, and she nodded. 

"I would never hurt my son." She said, and I almost laughed. I could see how torn up she was, but I wasn't sure if it was over the fact that something traumatic had happened to me or if it was because she thought my dad did it. 

"It's funny that you mention never hurting your son, because I have a file here with a restraining order against your husband under his name. I'm just curious as to why Blake Reynolds is listed as a witness to the crimes against your son, but you are not." Officer Purdue said. 

"I'm married to my husband, it's... it was my job to remain loyal to him." She said. "I love him."

"But you're here." He said.

"But I'm here, and I will tell you whatever you need to know." She said. "I love my son." She said, starting to cry. "I never wanted any of this. I always knew... A mother always knows... but I hoped I was wrong. I knew how he'd react." 

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