42. fємιиιzαтισи

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~I am unable to go back to being who I was, but for some reason, I'm completely okay with that.~


Ever since Blake had bought me the feminine stuff, I'd been getting up earlier to get dressed. I kept the breast forms on pretty much all the time, only taking them off to sleep. I felt like I was almost coming into myself. It made me so happy to know that I was able to be myself. I loved dressing up like a girl. I didn't really want to be a girl, though. It was confusing to me, because I didn't understand myself. But, at the same time, I was okay with just being myself. 

I wasn't sure that I wanted to label myself at all, but it felt wrong to dress s a girl and still go by guy pronouns. I don't know what to call myself. I just want to be free from having to think about this shit. It's really stressful. 

I stood up and walked up the stairs, going to the bedroom. I went over to my bedside table and took two of the pills. I swallowed them down and walked over to the mirror. I smiled as I looked over myself. 

I put my hair up in pigtails and curled them earlier so I looked really cute. I had also put on the skirt that Blake had bought me, the leggings, and a black camisole with lace at the top. I had also put on a bunch of makeup. I looked really cute today. I smiled softly and looked down at my shoes. The converse were really cute. I loved them so much.

I love everything about this me, so much. 

It was different from what I was use to. I love everything about this me. I was so pretty and happy, it was euphoric to me.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, taking my hands up to my chest. I cupped the forms with my hands, and squeezed them slightly. I was surprised that they felt pretty real, actually. I felt so good because I felt like myself for once in my life. Completely and unashamedly myself, and it wasn't just a fabrication or something I was pretending to be. I felt better than I ever had before. 

A pleasant numbness started creeping up on me and I smiled, putting the pills back in the bottom drawer and walked downstairs. I sat on the couch and pulled out my computer, pulling up my school website and sighing quietly. I felt like I could do anything right now, almost. I felt so happy and free, like the whole world was just on the outside and I was inside. 

I felt like I was the only one in the world that could touch me. I didn't know exactly how long it would last, but I felt safe in that moment. I felt like I could do anything, be anyone. It was freeing. Happy.

It was odd to see myself all dressed up and looking pretty but I felt amazing. Blake also really seemed to like it, so that was another plus for me. I loved to make him happy, and he enjoyed seeing me all dressed up and feminine for him. It made me feel more submissive, sexier even. I loved to look in the mirror and see the person he's allowed me to become.

I've never felt more like myself and it was good.

I walked down to the living room and then through to the kitchen, grabbing a lemonade, and a peanut butter sandwich. Just as I was about to go sit back down on the couch in front of my computer to do some more school, Blake walked into the kitchen and my

"Hey there, princess. How's school coming along?" Blake asked, and I sighed and shrugged a bit.

"It's boring. I miss being in a classroom, honestly. But, I'm doing well, so that's something." I said, and he nodded his head.

"You can go back to regular school, if that's what you want." He said, and I shook my head immediately. I knew that I'd never get caught up if I went back to school, and with my appearance now, I'd definitely be picked on. I didn't want anything to change because I'm happy with the way things are going right now. "If you're happy then I'm happy. I love having you around the house. It really gives me something to do."

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