67. αffιχαтισи

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~I feel secure in life, because of the people in my life. I feel secure in my relationship because of the people in my relationship. I'm beginning to understand the importance of the kinds of people in your life.~

A S H T O N 

By the time that Blake was back, I was starving to death and just wanted to go eat. My mind hurt and I was really stressed out. I couldn't quit thinking about everything and how it just wasn't adding up. The whole situation just had gotten massively out of hand and I had no idea who to even believe anymore because everyone in my life has been lying to me the entire time. I just wanted things to make sense, at least before I didn't feel a truckload of confusion on top of everything else. 

I was glad though, that my dad had confessed to breaking into our house. He, however, claimed that he was not the one watching us. Blake had said we should move, but move where? How can we hide from someone that we don't know? We could go to Alaska, and if the person watching us was dedicated enough, they'd go to Alaska too. I felt like a rat in a trap, almost. 

I wanted to run, but run where? I had no idea who to even run from. I glanced around the restaurant, feeling eyes on me, but I couldn't depict where they were coming from. I reached up and scratched at the back of my head, feeling the hair standing up. 

"Do you feel someone watching you?" I asked quietly, and Blake shook his head no. 

"No, I don't, what about you Puzzle?" Blake asked. Puzzle shook his head. 

"We're in a public place, people are always looking at me." Puzzle said and rolled his eyes. "It's like they've never seen someone with dyed hair." 

"No, not that kind of watching," I said, and turned and glanced over my shoulder, seeing nothing. I took a deep breath and released it. "I guess I'm just paranoid because I know that whoever was watching us is still out there." I laughed hesitantly, grabbing my water and sipping on it. 

"It's been a long day, maybe we should head back to the hotel. I can call a packing company tomorrow and have our house packed up if you want to move." Blake said. I shrugged. 

"I mean, I guess that's alright with me. I don't really know how I feel about going back there." I said softly, and stood up. "I just need to run to the washroom, I'll be right back." I said, and stood up, walking towards the bathroom. 

I walked into the women's restroom, and leaned forward, glancing into the mirror. I was really glad that I looked like a girl so that I could use the women's room. I knew in there I could be alone without one of the guys coming to check on me. 

I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I sucked in a deep breath, feeling light-headed. I was shaking a little bit, and I couldn't breathe. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I glanced around the empty bathroom and felt trapped. I didn't want to walk back out there and feel watched, so I had to choose the lesser of two evils... but I didn't feel well at all. 

The walls felt like they were moving closer to me, and I coughed a little, feeling like I couldn't breathe. I took a couple of deep breaths and turned on the water faucet, listening to the calming sound of running water. I leaned against the wall, breathing deeply. I had to calm down before someone got worried. 

After a couple of minutes of deep breathing, I was slightly calmer. I really just wanted to go home, but even there I wouldn't be safe. Would I? Was I safe anywhere? Were we safe anywhere? I sighed deeply and shook my head, forcing that to the back of my head and going back to the table. Neither of them noticed me coming, and I wasn't really sure why I did it but I paused. "-I don't think it's a good idea, they need away from here but I don't know-" Puzzle was saying, and I was curious.

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