24. αffℓι¢тισи

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~I cannot imagine being without you anymore. You've become more than just a dominant, you've become a pillar in my life that I lean on daily.~

Gentle kisses trailing down my neck woke me up from a deep sleep, and I whined softly, pushing into warmth of the body on top of mine. I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around Blake and shifting closer to him. I desperately tried to cling onto the warms around me, not ready to wake up yet.

Blake sucked on my neck and I keened softly, the haze in my mind beginning to fade away a bit. "That's right, pup. Wake up..." the soft teasing voice of Blake cut through my subconscious and I sighed again, shaking my head and he chuckled a bit.

A warm, slightly calloused hand went to my side and I whimpered a bit, the slightest bit of lust starting to seep into my mind, leaving me the slightest bit dazed and hard.

I forced myself to ignore it, though, and groaned out a tired and cranky no. He smiled a bit against my neck and rested himself on top of me. I made myself comfortable underneath him and sighed softly.

"Wake up love. Come on, we have to get up." He said softly and I groaned.

"Why?" I asked, and he laughed a bit and shook his head into my neck like I was the biggest amusement he'd had all week. Which was probably true. I do stupid stuff enough to make him laugh daily.

"Because I said so." He said and I whined softly and shook my head petulantly. "Ashton!" he demanded and I popped one eye open and sighed deeply. I was immediately aware of the headache behind my eyes before I even opened the second. Dread swam in my stomach as I realized it was going to be one of them days.

"I don't wanna!" I whined, and he smiled a bit and looked down at me, smiling at me with a warm look on his face. I opened my second eye to take in the look on his face contrasted by the sunlight streaming in the window behind his head. Despite the beauty in the image he presented, I had to close my eyes because the light was making my head hurt a bit worse.

"And why not?" He asked teasingly and I bit my lip and opened my eyes to look up at him through hooded eyes. It looked like he had a halo, or was glowing.

It wasn't that far fetched in my sleepy mind, really.

He's so sweet, and handsome, and he is the perfect master. He genuinely cares about what I want, and he makes all efforts to take care of me to the best of his abilities. He doesn't make fun of me, or force me to do things I'm uncomfortable with, though. He considers my opinion when he makes a decision. He goes out of his way to make me happy and he doesn't make me feel like I owe him anything.

"Ashton?" He asked, and I nodded, blinking rapidly to clear my thoughts. He raised an eyebrow and I looked up at him and he sighed. "Why do you want to stay in bed all day?" He asked, and I shrugged, reaching up and rubbing my forehead a bit absentmindedly.

"I just want to cuddle. Can we, please?" I asked, desperately. He raised an eyebrow and looked over me with suspicion in his eyes.

"Are you running a fever?" He asked, and I shook my head and mentally winced at the pain that echoed in my head. He looked over me with that calculating glare of his, and I knew he knew I was lying when I said something, he just didn't know what I was lying about. "Ashton, do you remember what we talked about? About the rules?" He asked, and I actually winced this time.

I nodded and licked my lips. "Well then you're disobeying by lying to me. I better be seeing them beautiful lips of yours explaining why you don't want to get up. Usually you're a little ball of energy in the morning." He said, and raised an eyebrow.

Sissy Boy (ManxBoyxBoy) ⎰⛑⎰Where stories live. Discover now