11. ∂єιfι¢αтισи

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~I used to believe that there was no one who could control me, but now that I've met you there's nothing that I want more than to give you control. I need you to take away the things I cannot handle so I can focus on pleasing you.~

A S H T O N 

I woke up cradled in Blake's arms. For a blissful moment, I couldn't remember anything that happened the night before. All I could think about was the warmth surrounding me. The scent of Blake's body-wash and his cologne wafted to my nose, and it felt like I was safe. 

But of course, I was hit by reality. Hard, and fast. The first thing I remembered was letting it slip that I too liked men. Then, my father beating me... spitting on me. I shivered, closing my eyes as I felt my body ache. 

I never thought that my father would react that way. I knew he'd be unhappy about it, but I never thought he'd beat me for it. I never thought my mom would let him beat me, either. I knew that they'd be disappointed, but... that? Really?

It seemed a bit excessive. I knew that they'd react badly to it... I just didn't realize that it'd be like that. I'd never seen them so... careless towards me. I knew that they were angry, but really? All of that? 

Abusing their child because I happened to be into men? That is in no way right. I whimpered, the pain of my injuries finally catching up with me. Blake groaned, shifting on top of me. I gasped in pain but didn't protest. 

He settled back down on top of me and went back to sleep. I found myself laying there, my fingers idly tracing the tattoos on his back. My entire body hurt, but I couldn't be bothered enough to comment on it. 

Knowing that Blake was here made me feel safe, though. It seemed as though he'd never let anything hurt me. And that comforted me a lot, because of what had happened. 

If I couldn't be safe with my parents, who said I'd be safe anywhere? Honestly, there was nothing to prove that I'd be safe anywhere unless Blake was around. I had a sense of safety with him that I'd honestly never felt before.

He had never hurt me in any way--that I didn't like, I mean. There was nothing stopping him from hurting me, but there was a sense of... protection I felt whenever he was around. 

He kept his arm possessively around my neck in public, he wasn't afraid to hold my hand and kiss me. He didn't know how I was feeling yet, but I had a feeling that if he did know, he'd probably want to kill my mom and dad. I knew that they were in the wrong here, I knew that I didn't deserve it... but something in my head was trying to convince me that I was the problem there.

Time seemed to pass rather slowly, and I didn't mind it. It gave me time to think about things, to get them into perspective. So that when Blake asks me what happens, I can tell him everything. 

I got lost in the feeling of being safe with Blake. He was cradling my body into his larger one, and I couldn't deny that he made me feel safe. It was one thing that I'd never been swayed on. He never showed his aggression as a bad thing. I felt so safe, so comforted in his presence.

I cried out and jumped when I heard a loud banging on the door. Blake jumped up, covering me immediately. "What the hell is that?" He growled, and I shrugged, looking around the room frantically. "I'll be right back. If it's your father... I will protect you, Ash." 

Sissy Boy (ManxBoyxBoy) ⎰⛑⎰Where stories live. Discover now