49. иєgσтιαтισи

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~The wheel of life goes round and round, the circle of fate spins over and over, only at the end of your journey do you find your answers, but sometimes the journey is the best part.~


Blake had Puzzle and I in his office, the door shut. I was sitting in the window seat with my legs pulled up to my chest and my arms wrapped around my knees. My tennis shoes were slipping slightly and I kept having to readjust my legs so that they didn't hit the wall, but it was keeping me preoccupied in the silence. The awkward silence that had surrounded us, I was certain was mainly in my head because I was nervous.

Blake wanted us all three to meet today and talk about some things and that made me very uncomfortable. I still haven't gotten any peace on what we had talked about a few days ago, and I certainly hadn't expressed anything to Puzzle because I was too embarrassed to. Of course he's probably going to think I'm the worst person in the world because I have feelings for him. I wasn't sure I could take the silence much longer, it was crawling under my skin, making me anxious.

Blake looked calm, though. Composed, and complacent, almost. It was weird, and unsettling. I had cuddled up to him last night, listening to his heart beat in his chest. He'd wrapped his arms around me and murmured that he loved me. I felt so safe in that moment, so secure and happy. He seemed completely okay with my confession, despite me shaming myself, and being really hard on myself. I felt bad, because he had done so much fore me, and all he had ever asked for was loyalty. But, I had remained loyal. I hadn't kissed Puzzle, or acted on any of my feelings at all. As soon as I had realized, I came to him and talked to him about it. A lot can be said about honesty, and I'm learning that though it's uncomfortable to be honest, it can be the best thing for you.

I wasn't entirely sure where this little 'meeting' is going to go, but Jesus I want it over with. This is awkward and uncomfortable. I want it to just be behind us.

"Puzzle, Ashton, I know you're both probably confused on why I brought you here," Blake said, and I glanced over at Puzzle. He was sitting in the chair in front of Blake's desk with his pajamas on, and he was looking a mixture of concerned and confused. I couldn't gauge what his reaction was going to be but I was sure that it was going to not be a good one. "I've asked you to come here today to discuss a certain elephant in the room that I think we all should at least admit to if nothing else. Keep in mind I'm not coming at either of you with anger, or jealousy. I fully believe that it's okay, and even justified."

"Blake, you are being very vague and frankly I don't like it." Puzzle said. "Just tell me what you want to tell me so that I can go get some more sleep." Blake sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.

"I know that you and Ashton have feelings for each other. That point blank enough, Puzzle?" He asked, and Puzzle sat up straight.

"What?" He said, in a hurry, "Blake, I would never do that to you." Puzzle said.

"I'm not saying either of you acted on your feelings. I'm saying that the two of you have feelings for each other, and that you want to act on them, but you're both too loyal to do it." Blake said.

"Blake--" I started.

"Ash, please wait one moment baby." He said, his voice sweet and loving. I smiled a bit and blushed, looking away from the two. "I am not angry, I actually realized that you two had feelings for each other before you knew it. Yes, I love Ashton, but I want Ashton to have every opportunity that he can possibly have. When he met me he was a good boy, who never went out to parties or bars or had a couple boyfriends. I was his first everything, and I'm proud of that, but I want him to have the chance to experience everything he could possibly want to."

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