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That attractive man is Blake

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That attractive man is Blake. (Shane Burnell)
Blake is 37, and he moved into a house very close to Ashton's parents-across the street to be exact-and he recently got his fathers business when he died. He's a tattooed, muscular sex god. He's the dominant in the relationship between Ashton and himself.
Height: 6' Eye Color: Brown Hair color: Brownish black
He is whom I found best fit my vision of Blake. He's not the perfect fit, because of the tattoo on his face. But aside from that, he's actually astoundingly close to what I would find him looking like if this book was a movie.

That up there is Ashton

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That up there is Ashton. (Danila Kovalev)
Ashton is 18, he's still in high school, and he's the submissive in the relationship. He's gorgeous, feminine and cute. He lived with his parents and he pretended to be a good (and innocent) little boy until he met Blake. When he met Blake, everything changed, though.
Height: 5' 4" Eye color: Green Hair color: Blonde

Danila fit the role of Ashton nearly perfect. He's thin, feminine and gorgoeus. He's got the right hair color with the right length. He's not too much of anything, he's just enough. And that's what makes him nearly perfect.

This is Puzzle

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This is Puzzle. (Alexandre Szmytko)
Puzzle seems like a rather unimportant but he will be in the future. He's one of Blake's friends son, and Puzzle is 17, nearly 18. When he becomes relevant, he'll be 18, though.
Height: 5'6" Eye color: blue Hair color: Bleach blonde
I feel like this is the most accurate person to play him because he's just about perfect. If I was to look for someone to play him in a movie, this would be the guy I'd want.

This is Damien

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This is Damien. (Hagen Richter)
He's Ashton's jock friend, the only one he has. He protects Ashton from the other kids at school, making sure that everyone is too scared to say anything rude to him or anything. Damien sounds like a douche, but really he's just a confused, hormonal teenager. He doesn't know what he wants in his life, and he doesn't know who he is... yet.
Height: 5'11" Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde
I don't really know why I chose him, probably because the list of attractive guys who are younger drastically are outnumbered these days, with semi-masculine and masculine being completely out-dated. There aren't many semi-masculine people from the ages of 18-22. There's either overtly masculine OR masculine? 

A/n: PS I'm sorry for exciting you all about a new chapter when in fact it's just a list of characters and their pictures. However, it's good to see what they look like, right? I guess. Like I said, these aren't perfect, but they are as close as I can get.
Thanks all,


Sissy Boy (ManxBoyxBoy) ⎰⛑⎰Where stories live. Discover now