47. ∂ιѕαятι¢υℓαтισи

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~I've never been this way with anyone and that terrifies me. I'm not use to feeling emotions like this, so I don't know what I want to say... or what to do. All I know is, I need him. However long I can have him, I need him.~

B L A K E 

When I got home, I looked around the house in amazement. Nothing was dirty, the house was perfectly in order and Puzzle and Ashton were asleep cuddled up on the couch. Despite myself, I found myself thinking how cute Ashton and he looked together. I couldn't help but imagine that Ashton would've ended up with someone more his age, if he hadn't met me. I wasn't blind, I could see how Ashton acted around Puzzle, and at first it confused me, but looking at them right then I realized, Ashton acted around Puzzle like a teenager with a crush. 

It hadn't been that way with me, only because our relationship had been sexually charged at first. I had been watching Ashton with Damien like a hawk because I didn't really trust Damien all that much. After talking to Damien I deduced that he had some sort of feelings for Ash, but they wouldn't lead to anything and I knew that. Damien did too. 

But Puzzle... well, Puzzle was another story. Ashton was attracted to Puzzle and I could tell. I don't really care, though. I just wanted Ashton to be happy, and if he'd be happy with Puzzle, I'd gladly let him go.

I noticed that ever since his surgery, Ashton has been acting differently. I knew that it was related in some way to his pain pills. I wasn't stupid, and I could deduce what was going on in just a few days. But I knew that if I went to him about it, there'd be a greater chance for push-back an denial. I took to just giving little speeches about how dangerous they were, and suggesting other means to deal with it. And leaving an open window for him to know that he could come to me about it.

In all honesty, I had brought Puzzle here, hoping that if nothing else, he could give Ashton a reliable friend he could go to. I wasn't sure that Puzzle would come to me, given that he was loyal to people to a fault, but I could admire that about him. I also knew that Puzzle had a good head on his shoulders, despite calling him a stoner all the time. 

Honestly, Puzzle had been around me since he was born, and picking on him just felt natural. Our relationship was just like that. He'd call me an ass, I'd call him a stoner, and that'd be the end of it. We would pick on each other til it snowed in hell, but at the end of the day we loved each other like family.

I could tell that they were going to get a crick in their necks the way they were laying, so I grabbed their legs and pulled them around to the couch, and pulled them down. I breathed in deeply. Damn, Puzzle weighs a shit ton. I'd been able to pick up Ashton and carry him up the stairs, so I knew he wasn't the heavy one. While Puzzle was still really thin, he weighed a normal amount he still was a bit taller than Ash, he could easily weigh twenty pounds more than him and still look equally as small. 

I walked over to the closet and grabbed a blanket throwing it over them and sighed. Part of me wanted to pick Ashton up and carry him up the stairs, but the way they were laying it'd definitely wake them both up. While I wouldn't mind waking Puzzle up, I didn't want to wake Ashton. He always seemed so free and happy in his sleep. Nothing to worry about, nothing to fear. And I didn't have to worry over him taking more pills. If he's asleep, he's not taking those damn pills. And I've looked everywhere I can think of for them. He's just got them hidden somewhere too obvious for me to look there. I'd already tried the bathroom cabinets, the towel closet, the closet in our room, and the dresser he used. I couldn't think of anywhere else he could've hidden them from me.

I sighed and watched as Puzzled and Ashton slept for a moment, and flipped off the light. I walked upstairs, pausing to glance back down. Despite what I thought it would feel, I wasn't jealous in the least. In some ways, I knew that Ashton would desire someone more like him. And then I had an idea. It may be odd, especially for me.

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