45. fяαgмєитαтισи

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~I can feel you picking apart each part of me, trying to figure me out.~


I found myself sitting down at the kitchen table, laptop in front of me as I tried(and failed)to pay attention to school. I was feeling nervous, shaky and a bit uncertain. What Blake had said was circling in my head like a mantra and I couldn't help feeling anxious. It was all I could do just to keep my head on straight and act like nothing was wrong.

I had known that there were risks to taking opiates, but I just didn't realize how bad the risks could be. I thought back to what he'd said about Puzzle and weed... Perhaps I should talk to Puzzle about it and see what he said. I'm sure that he would be able to shed some light on the situation and give me some halfway decent advice. I mean, what could it hurt? He could tell Blake, but honestly, I was sure that Blake would find out eventually. I'm not a good liar, and he was very smart. He may be missing it now because he's got other things on his mind but he will pick up on it. 

"Hey darling, I just got called in to work. I know we had lunchtime plans... do you think we can shift them down to dinnertime plans?" He asked, a little smirk playing on his lips as he looked over me. I blushed a bit, feeling aroused by the look he was giving me. I had always loved the way he looked at me when he was thinking about sex. I wasn't sure what it was but it really set me on fire inside. 

"Oh... sure! That's fine." I said, and he nodded. 

"If you need food, ask Puzzle to cook for you. He's really good. Do your schoolwork. If Damien wants to come over that's fine but your schoolwork has to be done first. Don't play really loud music, or break anything." Blake said. 

"I... never do?" I asked. 

"I know. I'm saying it because of the stoner upstairs who likes to blare lo-fi hip-hop or whatever when he's baked. And he gets really stoned sometimes and he'll get clumsy... Eh, I don't really need to explain. Just watch him, and ask him for food if you need it." He said. 

"Daddy, I'm having a really hard time focusing on school right now. I'm not sure what's wrong with me today." I said, and he nodded. He pressed the back of his hand to my forehead and his brow crinkled. 

"Well, you're not running a fever. I guess just relax some, it's been pretty hectic around here the past day. You'll catch up tomorrow, yes?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Promise, daddy." He smiled as I said it and kissed my forehead.

"Good girl. Don't let that heathen anywhere near my sound system. He'll get us evicted. Seriously." He said, and I nodded, going over to sit on the couch after I closed my laptop. Luckily today I didn't have any classes, just online coursework. That made it easier to slack off because the teachers couldn't be all judgmental. 

"I won't, I promise." He smiled and waved as he walked out the door. I watched him walk down the driveway and to his jeep, get in and shut the door and off he was, leaving me alone with Puzzle and his rules. 

Honestly, I have never even seen the sound system, so I doubt that Puzzle will be able to find it. And I don't think that there's much breakable stuff in the house, at least not from what I could tell. Though I guess if you fall on a table that's wood hard enough, it'll break. But as far as glass things, Blake didn't have any. Except for the few pictures on the walls, which I didn't think Puzzle would be able to break. I think he's just paranoid.

Sissy Boy (ManxBoyxBoy) ⎰⛑⎰Where stories live. Discover now