CH. 61 Horrible people

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CH. 61 Horrible people

(Rosemary POV)

Two little boys, these were two little boys who were abused and killed. Now their bodies are going to go into the Medical Examiner van and brought to my lab.

Two little boys that were taken away from their life so early, that just have happened to have seen how cruel some people could truly be and happen to have realized in such a moment that humans to can be a monster.

This situation right here, this crime scene, has made me angry. I am furious. I tend to keep my feelings hidden when it comes to some crime scene cases that I take on, but this could tug anyone's heart.

When you come to a crime scene, the first thing you have to make sure that you don't end up doing is getting attached.

You have to make sure you don't see yourself in the deceased victim or see anyone you care for in them. Once you do, the case can end up being too personal to you, and you can start to get attached. I care for all the cases I've had, and I've shown great emotions when it comes to wanting the cases to be solved the best and proper way, but that doesn't mean I let the case throw me on a roller coaster of emotions.

I will have to teach Jamison this because some of the cases we will face will cause him to feel these things, and it might even hit home for him.

"Dr. Lavender." A voice said.

A voice I know.

I turn around and face the two FBI agents standing across from me, Hector and Frank.

"Hello, you two," I said to them.

They nodded their heads towards Jamison and me.

I glance at Jamison and found him doing the same thing, even to Hector.

After all, this is serious.

Crime scenes are no time for bickering.

"What can you tell us from what you've gathered so far?" Frank asked me.

I tilted my head to the side and took a glance behind me, to where the boys once were. I wasn't standing where the boy's body was but a good couple feet away from it.

"The boys were most likely abuse, I saw signs of physical abuse on the bodies, but I am not sure if that is the only abuse that the boys went through. Another thing that I notice about their clothing is that it seems like both of the boy's clothing are dirty, so they've either been somewhere messy or kept that way. I notice that one of the boy's hands was holding the other boy's hand tightly, in a protective way." I said to the FBI agents.

"Maybe there's a chance that they're related to each other or even friends." Agent Frank Brown said.

"That could be true, or they met each other while they were captive," I said.

"It will be best for your team to look into any kids that have been reported missing that fit the images of these boys," I said.

They both nodded their heads.

"I have some speculations, but I think it's best to discuss them after I do an autopsy on the boys. When you two come to the lab later for the autopsy, I will discuss more with you all." I said, letting out a sigh.

"I hope your team will find the person who did this," I said.

"Well, your team helped last time," Hector said to me.

I turned my attention towards Hector.

"Still amazes me how you guys managed to do that." He said.

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