CH: 80 I hate hospitals.

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CH: 80 I hate hospitals.

(Jamison POV)

I don't like hospitals; never been a fan of them.

No patient in a hospital is usually here for a good thing unless they're giving birth or working.

I hate hospitals, so why am I currently in one right now? Because there was no way in hell I would stand by and let that prick get away or think he would get away with what he did.

"Hey, I found out what room the kid is in, and I also contacted someone I know who would be able to analyze the car; he just would have to make sure that he would be able to get to the car in time. He's going to call about it as well. Let's go." Rosemary said as she led the way. She took a glance at me and spoke.

"You don't like being here." She said nothing more. I held back a smile.

"No, they make me very uncomfortable, but I am okay with being here right now, besides I am not going to leave you alone to deal with this situation by yourself," I said, looking at her.

She raised a brow.

"Why, are you worried that I wouldn't be able to deal with it?" She asked me.

I shook my head, knowing that there was nothing that I felt Rosemary wouldn't be able to handle.

"It's not that; you don't have to deal with this alone. Not when I'm around, especially if I can be with you." I said.

We entered an elevator, and she turned around to face me.

"I feel the same way, I don't want you dealing with something alone especially if I am here for you, you can share the weight with me anytime." She said.

This woman had no idea the impact she had on my life.

"You're amazing you know that?" I asked her.

"Of course I do." She said, causing me to let out a small chuckle.

The elevator dinged, opening, and we both walked out of the elevator, heading towards the hospital room.

"Do you hear that?" Rosemary asked. I did hear that. A person was raising their voice, and that person was that prick, as his voice was something no one could forget.

Rosemary and I walked towards the room, she opened the door, and the room fell quiet.

"What, more people? I don't see the reason why you're here." The prick said; his face was red, veins were noticeable on his neck, and he had a sneer on his face, but what caught my attention, even more was the boy lying in bed. Frightened, call entirely drained from his face, and tears fell.

Agent Brown and Rodriguez were here, with stone looks on their face, but there were two women there as well. Two I hadn't met, one looked to be an agent as well, and the other woman had anger written all over her face when unshed tears in her eyes.

As I stared at her more, I thought she had some features similar to the woman on whom Rosemary and I performed an autopsy; of course, she did. She was her sister.

"I don't understand how I am unable to not only be alone in a room with my son, but how you think you can threaten me this way." The prick said.

I raised a brow at what he was saying.

"No one threatened you. We said that DCF and CPS will be here soon." Agent Brown said, holding his ground.

My stare moved toward the kid; he was quiet.

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