CH: 69 Tick Tok

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CH: 69 Tick Tok

(Rosemary POV)

What I do is never easy, a matter of fact. I don't think many people can do what I do, and I'm not talking about just my career side, but me having the ability that I have.

I just finished telling the parents about what happened to their sons, sons who grew up together and sons who died together.

The same two boys who were now ghosts and staying with me could no longer be with their parents, and their parents would now have to let go of the string of hope they had left with finding their boys alive.

My stare trailed from the parents to Jamison, and he was staring at them with raw emotions.

He was angry. Of course, he would be.

The difference between Jamison and me is that he would show his emotions occasionally, whereas I would not.

"Who would do such a thing." One of the fathers said. It was Jacob's Father. Jacob was his mom and dad's only child, whereas Jonathan's parents had another child. A little girl. There's no doubt in my head that Jonathan's parents would have lost two children if their daughter was a male instead.

The disgusting freak that did this was only interested in boys.

"I believe there's a prime suspect," I said. The Agent's attention was instantly on me.

"What?" Jonathan's mother said.

"There's a prime suspect?" Jacob's mother said.

"Jamison, please give the agents the box of files and information with everything that we discussed that's over there," I said, pointing to the box.

Jamison nodded his head and headed towards the box. I continued to stare at him as he brought the box to the agents. When he returned to where he was standing before, I decided to speak.

"The person who did this to your children is a pedophile. Not only is he a pedophile but a murderer. He has the experience, which means that your kids were not his first victims, or will they be his last." I said, watching his parent's eyes widen.

Before I could say anything else, Jamison came to stand next to me and spoke.

"Doctor Lavender believes that the monster who did this lives in the apartment building. He has tried to befriend the boys with ill intentions, and it worked. Was there anyone that your boys played with that you never met?" Jamison asked them.

"Yes, a boy named Will, but we couldn't find him. There was no boy named Will in the apartment building that we lived in." Jacobs's Father said.

"Will wasn't a boy, but a grown man. He also used his middle name to tell the boys. There's the man's paperwork in that box; look into it, Agent; that freak's middle name is William. Every place that he has moved from has happened to have little boys gone missing, boys that have yet to be found." Jamison said.

"I have DNA, and I believe he is the person who did this; not only that, I also think he has done this many times and that there are tons of young boys buried somewhere, and he is the reason why. As I stated earlier, I would look deeper into this, and I have every reason to. We can't let him keep doing these to people. I would recommend that you send agents immediately to arrest him, as he is most likely going to try to escape." I said to the agents.

The parent's attention immediately turned to the agents who were already on their phones.

"He was living in the apartment building this whole time." Jacob's father said, staring at his hands.

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