CH. 27 I smiled

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CH. 27  I smiled

(Rosemary POV)

It was strange, it wasn't something that I was expecting.

A matter of fact, it even took me off guard.

All of these things were just things that were new to me, but part of me wanted to let it happen.

These new feelings, I wanted to experience them.

I just lost it a little, when he started running his fingers through my hair.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, I felt my lip being tugged into a smile.

There was a smile on my face.

I felt it, it was there but disappeared really quickly.

I had looked at him to see if he noticed and he did.

"You're slowly letting me in." He whispered softly.

I sat there silent, not knowing what to say but there was one thing that I was worried about.

I didn't want him leaving when he saw all of me.

"Once you're in, you can't leave," I said to him in a serious tone.

I meant it. I wouldn't let him leave, he was not allowed to leave me.

"I wouldn't want to ever leave or plan to." He said pressing his forehead.

I closed my eyes, letting the kiss affect me the way it did.

"Okay, good," I said getting up.

I was right in front of him, I could smell him, his scent invaded my nose all the way and it was getting to me.

I cleared my throat and placed my hand gently on his chest. to push him a little back.

He got the hint and backed up a little.

"I didn't know that they were planning something like that against me, I suspected it but knowing that it was true from what you told me doesn't leave me surprised. They weren't good. I suspected that they were also getting themselves into things that I didn't want to be part of at all what so ever. So I was going to distance myself from them and I guess they suspected that which is why they probably have decided to move on with the plan." He said.

I nodded my head.

"Well like I said, I'm glad they did. They don't deserve you." I said and he smiled at me.

"Thank you for saving me, Bambi," he said causing my eyes to widen.

"Uh, yeah. You're welcome." I said not knowing what else to say, I decided to change the subject. I'm not really good at things like this but I am trying as best as I can.

"We are going to have to help you with learning more about your abilities and finding out about the abilities that you have. Also with figuring out more about ourselves, together." I said

He nodded his head.

"I know that it's definitely something extremely important to figure out. Has any more ghost approached you?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Well, maybe that's a good sign, that means he hasn't killed any of the other girls right?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it could mean that but they're still being tortured though and it could just mean that they have no idea how to reach me if they're dead," I said, Jameson quickly shook his head.

"No, I'm sure that ghost Marsha would bring them to us if that happened. She would have, I recalled her telling me that he was going to kill one of the girls soon. Maybe he hasn't." He said.

I nodded my head.

"Does Hailey and Macy know about Marsha?" He asked.

"We are going to have to tell them," I said, letting out a sigh.

"Macy is going to be devasted." He said and I nodded my head.

"Yes, she's going to be devasted but they need to know. I'm hoping that Marsha would show herself to us again, but of course, I hope she doesn't come back with more bad news when she does." I said and Jameson nodded his head.

"Yeah, gosh this is going to be awful." He said.

"If you want, you don't have to join. I could just tell her by myself." I said not wanting to put him in the position.

He looked at me with wide eyes and quickly shooked his head.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine with telling her with you. Yes, it's horrible and all but I'm not going to let you tell her alone. You and I can tell her together." He said looking at me with a serious look.

My eyes widened a little bit taken aback.

"I just didn't want to put you into an uncomfortable position that's all, that's why I offered to tell her alone. I'm used to having to have these discussions you know? Especially with my line of work, and if it made you uncomfortable I didn't want to put you through that also." I said being honest with my words.

Just because I had to be a cold person with emotions and especially on giving out horrible news like this doesn't mean that he had to be someone like that also or be someone to tell someone horrible news that would leave them devasted.

"Aww, Bambi that's very sweet of you but that's not how this works. You and I are in a relationship. I respect our relationship, I respect you and we are in a team. Which means you and I are partners. We do things together and I am not going to let you do things like that alone when I am here. I'm going to be by your side and I am going to contribute to the good news, the bad news and go through the conflicts of this life we have with you. So don't worry about it, I'm here. I'm here to stay and I am not going anywhere. Besides, the girls are our friends and they deserve to hear the news from both of us. Especially since I was the one that Marsha first showed herself to." He said taking me back again.

"Okay," I said softly and his smile widened even more.

"Good, I'm here now and I am your boyfriend. You're going to be having me by your side in a lot of things now, you won't be doing these things alone anymore. As long as you'll have me by your side, it's an honor to stand there with you no matter what and go through these things together." He said.

I kissed his cheek really quickly and brought my hand out.

"Let's go tell them then," I said, he looked down at my hand and smiled harder, taking it and bringing it to his lips. Pressing a kiss on it.

"That's my damn baby." He said causing me to roll my eyes but it wasn't out of irritation, I think it was.


(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Yayy, I love this couple so much!!!!! Do you Dolls do?

How do you Dolls think Macy and Hailey are going to take the news about Marsha?

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!


-Kassandra Vivu

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