CH. 28 What can we do?

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CH. 28 What can we do?

(Jamison POV)

Bringing sad news to a ghost, was something that I knew wasn't going to be easy.

How do we tell her, that her sister is dead?

Maybe deep inside, she knew that something was going to happen to her sister. Which is the reason why she's been trying to get straight to the point of figuring out who this lunatic is, but like Rosemary had said.

We deal with the bodies, we are not the ones who find or stop the bad guy, but just maybe we could. What was stopping us from trying? Besides the obvious not being professional agents, there was nothing else.

The two girls have left a huge impact on me, just from the short period of time being around them, of course, I came to care for them.

They were part of a family I never thought I would have, but I was grateful that I was beginning to have people I come to care about.

Walking downstairs with Rosemary, I could hear the laughter in the kitchen.

The laughter that made telling the sad news even more unbearable.

Rosemary and I were still holding hands as we approached the kitchen and the group turned around looking at us with smiles on their faces.

"Well look at these two," Hailey said looking at us with a smirk.

If was any other moment, I would have been cheering so hard and secretly sending funny facial expression looks Hailey way, but considering we had a serious discussion to have with, there was no time for that.

I watched as Macy raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"Yes," Rosemary said, I watched as Mona turned her face towards Macy.

"Macy... I'm sorry." Rosemary said, she looked as if she was thinking her words over. Wondering what was another way she could say it.

Macy still had a confused look on her face.

"Macy, Marsha made herself known to me," I said softly, letting the words settle in with her.

Hailey let a noise out, as she turned around looking at Macy.

"No..." Macy said shaking her head, unshed tears in her eyes.

"Macy, I don't know how to tell you this but I'm going to ask you to control whatever urge you're going to be feeling right now that's going to burst through you. Just don't act out on it okay." Rosemary said, dropping my hand and making her way slowly towards Macy.

"My sister... My sister is dead, he killed my sister." Macy said. The whole room started shaking.

My eyes widened taken off guard at first, I almost assumed it was an earthquake until I realized that the motion was coming from Macy.

"Macy, look at me," Rosemary said, Macy's eyes moved to look at her.

"We'll get him okay, we'll make him pay. I'm sorry this has happened to you and I am so sorry this is still happening but we will get him. We'll get him okay, just don't lose control. Save that energy for him, he will be brought down." Rosemary said in a serious tone.

The rumbling in the kitchen starts to ease down.

We watched as Macy controlled her emotions and eventually, it went back to being quiet in the kitchen.

"Where is she?" Macy asked, looking around the room.

"She's not here, she left. We think she's watching over the others. No, I'm sure that's what's she's doing. She made herself known to me first, she seemed like she was crying and she said he was going to kill one of them soon." I said in a soft tone, watching as Macy and Hailey both flinched.

"Macy, I'm so sorry," Hailey said. Taking hold of Macy's hand.

Macy nodded her head.

"We need to make a profile on him," Hailey said looking at us.

"With the things I remembered and the things Macy remembers. We can't let him keep killing more people, we can't let him kill the others. It's time that we fight back." Hailey said, with a serious look to her face.

"I understand that. My sister will be here in two weeks. In the meantime, we'll use techniques to help you two remember more things. Even the details that you didn't think were important to remember, are going to be important enough to remember." Rosemary said.

Macy nodded her head, with an understanding look on her face.

"Whatever it takes," Macy said.

"How will we be able to stop him?" Hailey asked.

"We'll figure out a way. I just know we will. We will be strong enough together." Rosemary said.

"We have abilities that he doesn't," I said.

Everyone eyes were on me.

"It's true, and one of them is us being able to see the dead. He's caused people to die and those people he caused to die will be the main ones to bring him down." I said.

Hope-filled Hailey and Macy's eyes and they both nodded their heads eagerly.

"Do you think she'll come back?" Macy asked.

"I'm sure she will, she'll be able to sense you soon," Rosemary said.

"How come she made herself appear to Jamison and not you first?" Hailey asked.

"Maybe Jamison was giving out the aura that was comforting to Marsha at that time. Don't forget, Jamison also had Hailey show herself to him, although he was unable to see her at first. Hailey stood next to him and I'm sure he was able to feel her, just not able to see her yet." Rosemary said

Hailey smiled.

"Yeah, I remember that. I punched him in the stomach and apparently that opened his third eye again." Hailey said smiling, I rolled my eyes.

"Macy, I am sure Marsha will show herself to you. You're her sister and once she knows you're here, with us. She'll come to find you. Don't worry." I said.

"Part of me knew," Macy said quietly.

We all stayed quiet as she had a sad look on her face.

"I knew we wouldn't be able to get to him on time before he killed someone else. I wanted my sister to be one of the ones that end up being alive." She said.

We need to bring this lunatic down, I don't know how but we needed to.

I made eye contact with Rosemary.

She had a determined look on her face, that look told me that Rosemary was prepared to do whatever it takes to get those girls justice.

I was ready to do the same, but I was definitely going to be overprotective of Rosemary along the way.

Looking at Macy and Hailey, and having seen Marsha. I've come to the conclusion that this lunatic likes the real pretty ones, and Rosemary is beautiful. I can't let him get his eyes on her too.

When it comes down to this, it's about saving the others but more importantly, keeping Rosemary safe. It's obvious she's been hurt before, and I refused to let her get hurt by someone evil again.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

They've finally told Macy about her sister, recap. Macy sister is Marsha. The ghost that Jamison had seen crying in his room, before he went to Rosemary room to tell her about it and when they ended up talking about the date.

How do you Dolls think Macy feels?

How do you Dolls think Rosemary and Jamison feels?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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