CH: 67 Take him down

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CH: 67 Take him down

(Rosemary POV)

You see, when it comes to people who take away other people's lives, at that very moment. Something evil comes into them, whether it's evil thoughts, instincts, or the pure evil feeling coming from within. To kill someone and hurt them the way that freak did is something that only a cruel person could do.

It's only something that a horrible monster could do, which this freak was.

He hurt these two boys and killed them.

In my line of work, I've come across many dead bodies that always leave a significant impact on me. They are the ones who had their lives taken away from them. Those cases are the cases that leave a massive effect on me but not only that; I hate the cases where the person who's committed the crime has managed to get away somehow or the worse, where people create a fan base of the killer.

Ted Bundy is a prime example, and he had a fan club that was obsessed with him and still is. Ted Bundy was a horrible creature that should have never existed in the first place; he hurt many people, including children as well; no one knows how many children Ted Bundy had as victims as well, the last person that we know of that he killed was a 12-year-old child name, Kimberly Dianne Leach and he also killed another girl name Lynette Culver.

Ted Bundy was also a pedophile. This is something not many people knew; what he did to all those people he killed was horrible, yet the freak had a fan club, still has a fan club that is filled with people who devote their love to him call him handsome and beautiful. It makes me sick.

Ted Bundy tried his best to hide the number of children he's killed, he was fine being seen as the killer he was, but if he was seen as a pedo and a children serial killer in prison as well, he thought "his fame" would be discredited.

So the fact that there are people out there who are obsessed with this man, who looks to him as a God and claim their love for him.

The same people who supposedly find him dreamy, handsome, and to die for are very sick.

Almost as sick as him, because to find yourself obsessed with a freak serial killer like that, you might as well rot with him.

I watched Natalie glance at Jacob and Jonathan.

It must've been hard for Natalie, after all. She is a mother, so to know what happened to these two kids and to have seen the freak that did those things to them, it must've taken great strength from her not to do anything to him.

"When I got to his apartment, he was watching the news," Natalie said, an angry look crossing her face.

"He stilled when he realized that the news was discussing the bodies of the two boys that were found. I watched him get up and look around his apartment, and he was looking to see if there was anything that would have him connected with the boys." Natalie said.

Of course, he would; he is trying to ensure that nothing could lead him to the crime he committed.

"Did he move anything and try to get rid of anything?" I asked Natalie.

She nodded her head.

"Yes, he tried to get rid of a bunch of things in a garbage bag, but I removed them when he wasn't looking and placed them back. I have a feeling he's also going to try to deep clean his apartment. So, I'm going to head back there and prevent him from doing so. I will also let you know if there's anything else." Natalie said.

"Okay, got it. Thank you, and yes, keep me updated." I said to her; she gave me a nod and disappeared.

"What do you think she'll do to prevent him from doing anything else?" Jamison asked me.

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