CH. 35 Fell for him?

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CH. 35 Fell for him?

(Rosemary POV)

I Rosemary had no idea what to have said to that.

Why is it that he has me feeling this way? I've encountered emotions that I have not felt for anyone besides him and yes I have come to admit these feelings.

When he said that he couldn't wait for me to simply fall for him

I had to hold myself back from saying I already did.

We walked into the living room to join the others.

I could feel Jamison's stare on me.

"Darian, are you fine with going back there to have a look again?" I asked him.

"Yeah, for sure." He said.

"I can go with, another two sets of eyes wouldn't hurt." Mona offered.

"Well, yes. That is true, sure both of you can go actually. Mona is good with these things" I said, nodding my head and agreeing with the idea.

"Sounds good, how long should we stay there?" Mona asked me.

"I think you can stay there on how long you feel is acceptable. Your call." I said and Mona nodded her head.

"Alright, shall we go?" Darian said, bringing his hand out to Mona.

I looked from Mona to Darian, I watched as Mona rolled her eyes.

She took his hand.

"Okay, let's go." She said and they both left.

"Wow, that was actually." Hailey started to say.

"Super cute," Macy said.

"Let's create a ship name for them!" They said, which had me confused about what they meant by that.

I raised a brow to that as they already started talking on different names, with combinations of both Mona and Darian names.

That's when it dawns on me, the ship name from before.

I turned my attention to look at Jamison and he was already looking at me.


We had a ship name.

That's what they were discussing.

How did I just realize that, just now? How did this go over my head?

"You said you liked it," Jamison said, coming up to me.

"Yes, I did say I like it," I said, remembering that I did.

It truly is a nice name.

I turned to look at the girls and found them lost in their own little worlds, most likely thinking of ship names and I was going to interrupt them when I decided not to, to just give them this moment.

These girls have been through a lot and they'll be going through more.

My phone dinged, I took it out of my pocket and it was from my sister.

Letting me know that she would be coming in tomorrow with the boy.

So that means everything was cleared out for her.

"My sister actually will be arriving tomorrow with the little boy," I said.

Hailey & Macy turned their attention to me.

"Tomorrow will be a day for business," I said.

"I'm going to my office upstairs, continue with picking out the ship names. Let me know what you all decide on." I said.

The girls nodded their heads and I started to walk towards the stairs.

I turned to look at Jamison.

"Would you like to accompany me?" I asked him.

His eyes widened, he nodded his head and we both went upstairs.

I could feel Hailey and Macy staring at us but I didn't bother turning around.

Was it that strange that I invited him to accompany me to my office?

We went up to the floor where my office was and I held the door to my office open for him.

I walked to my desk and sat down.

"I'm going to contact the agents, to let them know that I found out who she is," I said, sitting down and grabbing my office phone.

I dialed the number and the phone was answered in one ring.

"Yes, Rosemary is there something wrong?" Agent Rodgeriuz asked.

"No, I called you to tell you I figured out who the young woman was," I said.

Giving him the name of who the woman was, of course, he asked me how'd I know that and I just mentioned briefly about the machine I was working on and left it at that.

He told me he would check up on that and contact me after.

"Okay thank you," I said.

"Wait-" he said, which had me raised a brow.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Ah, never mind. I'll contact you after I am done looking into it." He said.

I told him goodbye and hung up the phone.

If it was something important that he had to tell me, he would have told me it regardless.

"What's wrong?" Jamison asked me, with a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know, I just thought Agent Rodgeriuz sounded like he wanted to tell me something," I said, shrugging it off.

"He probably wanted to ask you out," Jamison said, taking a seat on one of the chairs in front of me.

I raised a brow to that.

"I don't think so, he's asked me out plenty of times with no problem with doing it and I've rejected it each time," I said.

I watched as Jamison's eyes widened.

"You don't like him?" He asked me.

"No, it's not that. He's a great agent and does a great job. I can tolerate him, especially in my morgue or lab. It's just I had no interest, that's all." I said.

Jamison nodded his head.

"What do you think.... of me?" He asked.

I tilted my head to the side, seeing that he was nervous about asking the question.

"I think you're special, not in a mean way. I think there's so much to you that I have yet to see and I find myself eager for that opportunity to happen. There's something about you that just has me feeling this way and it's not like something I ever want to stop feeling, it's something that I want to continue feeling no matter what. I just, want you in my life and I think I've always wanted you in my life which was why I kept tabs on you. You're just someone that I suppose can just have me showing many colors, colors that I don't even know I have." I said.

I looked at him and we made direct eye contact.

"I'm going to hug you now." He said getting up from his chair and making his way to me.

He pulled me up from my chair and wrapped his arms around me.

"How about we learn things about each other, everything even and just talks about it. Are you okay with that?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

I'm never someone who was really into opening up but I couldn't say no to him. I didn't want to say no to him

"Yes, I am okay with that."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Rosemary, it looks like you're falling..... falling in LOVE.

The next chapter gets interesting, so give this chapter a



-Kassandra Vivu

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