CH: 68 "Go arrest him"

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CH: 68 "Go arrest him"

(Jamison POV)

When I heard that the freak had most likely found his next victim, all I felt was anger. Anger has filled my body.

That he has already worked on stalking his next victim as if they were his prey.

"Natalie won't let him destroy or get any rid of the evidence; girls gather as much as you can when it comes to the type of person he is and where he's been. Red, Kendell, you two do the same and find out other things to help us with the case. You could gather any evidence or memories from the past crimes he committed and the victims he's killed." Rosemary said in a calm voice. She let out a sigh.

She turned her attention to look at my father and asked her next question in a distraught low voice.

"Did you find any dead bodies that have any lingering of him? Or any sites that he has left the bodies?" Rosemary asked my dad.

My dad stayed silent for a few seconds, letting out a deep sigh he spoke.

"Yes, I found five places that have remains of little boys, and some of them have become lost spirits, where the others have become mad spirits. They are still near where they were left to rot." My dad said in a sad tone.

"Lost spirits and mad spirits?" I asked in a confused voice.

"A lost spirit is a spirit that can't remember everything that had happened to them; all they know is that they're lured to where their bodies are, and sometimes the spirits don't even know their bodies are there or remember how they died in the first place. A mad spirit is a spirit that might know that they're dead, or doesn't know that they're dead but knows something has happened to them, they want revenge and is angry of what's happened to them." Rosemary said, answering my question.

As I turned my attention to look at my dad, a hurt feeling came across me.

"I don't even know if this is a thing, but when it comes to moving on. Has any victim that he has done horrible things to have move on, as in no longer amongst us here?" I asked my dad.

His stare wavered from me to Jacob and Jonathan.

"The only spirits that have been able to leave are Jacob and Jonathan. The others are still where their bodies were dumped. So, no little boy victim spirit has been able to move on." My sad said, bringing his attention back to me.

"Did you approach them?" Rosemary asked my dad.

He nodded his head.

"Yes, but I was unaware of what to tell them." He said.

Rosemary nodded his head.

"I understand; this is something that's going to be a lot for you to do," Rosemary said in a soft tone.

"But, I need you to go back to those places, ask them everything that's happened to them, including their names, where it happened, where they lived, gather all those information and report it back to me," Rosemary said to my dad.

My dad didn't even look phased or surprised by her question.

"I know it's going to be hard for you when it comes to listening to all their stories and gathering their information, but we need to get them justice, and the freak who did this to them, needs to pay," Rosemary said.

"Will you be okay with this, dad?" I asked my dad.

He smiled at me softly.

"It's okay; I'll be fine with it. It's just going to cause a rollercoaster of emotions coming from them and me. We are doing what needs to be done for these boys, and it would be good to see the monster who did this to be paid for what he's done because he now thinks he's untouchable." My dad said.
The anger on my father's face, I am sure, was identical to mine as his face softened once his stare landed back on Jacob and Jonathan.

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