CH. 23 This is all strange to me

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CH. 23 This is all strange to me

(Rosemary POV)

I didn't expect him to ask me that question, a matter of fact. I assumed he was going to drop it and not even say anything about it.

It just really took me off guard, it was like he hit the nail on the head because it was true, it did happen when he was near me but the tone in his voice showed me that he most likely figured that out himself, it was as if he wanted it to be verified by me.

Is that what he wanted? Did he want me to say it, I started to open my mouth. Getting ready to stay the words, but nothing would come out.

A strange feeling fell over me, a feeling I never felt before. It was like I was scared to say, scared to say those words. I was afraid of what he would say or think when I've said them.

Was I nervous? I Rosemary was nervous?

"Bambi?" He said, causing me to look up again.

Why did I keep reacting towards that pet name?

He kept looking at me and turned his attention to the closet.

"That side for the black clothes is fine." He said, bringing us back to the conversation we were having earlier.

I let out a sigh, appreciating that he let the subject changed.

"Okay, got it. I'll put the Grey clothes in the middle, the burgundy and the white clothes in the end." I told him, doing exactly what I said I was going to do.

Was it wrong of me not to have given him an answer?

Maybe I should have answered, but how exactly?

I mean a part of me just didn't know how to answer the question? I've never experienced anything like this before and this was all new to me so of course, I didn't know how to react to any of this that was going on.

I didn't want to slip into any sassiness and say the wrong thing to him, maybe something that could hurt his feelings. It wasn't any of my intention of doing anything that would hurt anyone feelings, especially not him.

I guess I could say I care for him.

My eyes widen when the words made themselves known in my mind.

After I was done putting his clothes away, I turned to face him.

He was already looking at me and although he wasn't as close as he was before. It still felt like he was close.

It was like he was just in my inner space, just having him near me felt like that.

I looked at the outfit he was wearing and it would be a lie to say he didn't look good in them because he did, he looked good in them and they fit him perfectly.

I didn't know how long I just stood there looking at him, but when he called out to me again saying the nickname he gave me, causing me to raise my eyes and make eye contact with him.

The look in his eyes surprised me, it was like his eyes were saying something and I didn't dare to ask why he was staring at me with such a look.

I was definitely not ready for that answer.

"Uh, your shoes." I said to him.

"I prefer to leave them in their boxes." He said not moving his stare from me.

"Okay," I said, not moving.

Why wasn't I leaving? Why was I even still here? I did what I said I was going to help him do.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked me.

I looked at him, wondering why he was asking me all these weird questions.

"Yes," I said, surprising us both on the fact that I actually answered.

"Do you hate it?" He asked me, tilting his head to the side. It was like he was analyzing me.

"No. It's just something that's new for me." I said to him, not bothering on hiding the truth.

"You make me nervous too." He said causing my eyes to widen.

"What?" I said in a low voice.

He let out a chuckle.

"Yes, Bambi you make me nervous too. Don't look so surprised. You have no idea about the things you make me feel." He said, my ears perked up towards that.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, not being able to stop the curiosity that was starting to form deep inside of me.

"I'm not sure you really want to know right now." He said to me causing me to raise a brow.

"I think I would have the knowledge of knowing something I wanted to know or not," I said to him and he let out another chuckle.

"There goes the Bambi I know. Okay, I'll tell you then." He said moving closer to me, I found myself moving backward's and my back was against the closet door.

He was right in front of me, only two inches separating us. I was going to remind him about invading my personal space until he cut me off, by bringing his lips to my ear.

"Didn't you say you wanted to know what I meant? You want to know how you make me feel right Bambi?" He said in a low voice that had a shiver run down my body.

"I can tell you right now that if you were to touch my arm, that you would feel goosebumps and which always happens when you're near me. It's not out of fear but on the Adrenaline, the adrenaline that's running through my body of how badly I want you Emotionally, Mentally and Physically. You have no idea how beautiful you are. I know you don't think you are but trust me. You're extremely Beautiful. The most intelligent, outspoken woman I know who isn't afraid of speaking up and will never back down. I actually am the moth here, who's extremely addicted towards the light you give off that I want to be near you all the time. That I want you to let me in. You have no idea how much I like you and you damn well have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now." He said.

He didn't move or even pull back.

He just stood there, still in front of me and didn't move an inch away.

It was like he was letting the words process for me.

"So Bambi, answer these questions. Will you ever let me kiss you? Will you ever let me in and will you ever become Mine?" He asked me.

My mind was in a daze.

I didn't know what to say.

"Please be mine," Jamison said causing my breath to hitch on the emotions that were found in his voice.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Well Damn!!! Jamison, you're not making it easy for Rosemary or any of us.

What do you Dolls think Rosemary is going to say? How do you Dolls think she feels right now? This is all new for her, don't forget that.

What do you Dolls think Jamison feels right? Do you all Dolls think he is serious about everything he just said?

Comment your answers!

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See you all in the next chapter.


-Kassandra Vivu

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