CH: 84 The next day

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CH: 84 The next day

(Jamison POV)

It was already the next day; I turned my head to the other side to find Rosemary awake and staring at me.

Yesterday we slept in the same bed. Something that I found myself wanting to do more often.

I want to wake up to her every morning and sleep next to her every night.

There was no way I wouldn't want to linger in bed with her a little longer this morning, especially with how she was looking at me right now. This woman is so beautiful; I am lucky to be with her.

"How did you sleep?" She asked me.

"I slept amazingly. How did you sleep?" I asked her, pulling her into my arms.

She looked up at me; I kissed her lips softly.

"I slept well; today, we will have to do some autopsies when we get in." She said. I nodded my head, agreeing with what she said.

"Are you still okay with being an autopsy technician?" Rosemary asked me.

"Yes, it wasn't something that I was interested in doing at first, as we both know but I do find it something that I now want to do." I said to her truthfully, especially with everything that has happened.

I found myself having a passion for this.

"Good, because if I'm being honest you had no choice." She said, causing me to laugh.

"Yes, I don't think I did. I didn't have a choice either when I started." I said, smiling.

Rosemary smiled back.

She pulled out of my arms and got out of bed.

"Come on, it's time for us to start our day. Let's get ready, we also need to send the others to do some investigating." She said, walking towards the bathroom. I watched her retreating body before I decided to get up myself.

"Another day, another case," I said, getting up and stretching.

"Let's get to it then." I said to myself as I headed towards the bathroom as well.

It didn't take too long for Rosemary and me to prepare for the day; we headed downstairs as soon as we were prepared.

Everyone else was gathered in the kitchen, talking amongst themselves.

As soon as they saw us, they all had smirks.

"Good morning you two!" Hailey said, with her eyebrows raised.

Of course, she was the first to speak.

"How did you two sleep?" She asked, smiling.

"Great! Thank you for asking." I said, rolling my eyes as I walked to the fridge.

"I wanted to fill you guys in on the plan for the day." Rosemary said, getting straight to the point. She didn't look like she would be in the mood for wasting any time.

"I would love to make his life miserable." Marsha said with a sour look on her face.

We could all agree to that.

"It's good that the son is alive." Jacob said.

"Yeah," Jonathan said, agreeing with him.

The room fell silent. It was a good thing that the son was alive, but of course, none of us missed the sad tone that was heard in the two boys' voices when they said it.

"We should make sure that he just doesn't get placed in danger ever again; this is what his mother wanted, so we'll follow through with her wish," Mona said.

"I agree, alright. You all know what to do; Jamison and I will be at the medical examiner facility performing autopsies; if any of you need me, reach out." Rosemary said as she grabbed some coffee to go.

I waved goodbye to everyone and followed Rosemary out of the house.

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked her.

"No, it's okay. I can drive." She said.

I opened the driver's door for her so she could get in. 

I walked towards the passenger seat, got inside myself, and we were headed towards the facility.

"How do you think the case is going?" I asked Rosemary.

"I have no idea, but I am hoping that it is going the way we want it to go; this guy needs to be put behind bars. Especially for all the awful things he's done." Rosemary said.

"Yeah, he's very unstable and a dangerous person. The fact that he could hurt his own wife and kid like that, is fuck up. Which means I need to be on the lookout and more alert when it comes to you." I said to her. She raised a brow, but an understanding look appeared.

"Is it because of what he said?" She asked me.

"Yeah, he felt very comfortable saying that and behaving like that. People like that think they have the power to do whatever they want, they think they can get away with it. I don't want him thinking that he would be able to feel like that when it comes to you. Ever." I said truthfully.

Rosemary stayed quiet for a few minutes before she started talking.

"Sometimes you're just too sweet, you know that." She said, taking me off guard.

"I love it that you think I am sweet, honestly. I want you to be all over me and find me so adorable. But I am serious if anything happens to you. I am going batshit crazy." I said in a severe tone.

I would go above and beyond for Rosemary, and I know even she has no idea how crazy I would get if something happened to her.

We arrived at the facility; I exited and opened the door for Rosemary.

"You know I would do the same for you as well; I would go crazy if anything were to happen to you." She said, causing my heart to leap.

"I know, baby," I told her as I took her hand.

I squeezed her hand.

"I'm glad we are on the same page." I said, smiling at her softly.

"Come on, let's go in. It's going to be a long day." She said.

As soon as Rosemary and I walked in, we got into our scrubs to go into the morgue; the other autopsy techs were there as well, waiting for Rosemary to start the external on the bodies that were there, including the woman who died yesterday.

We looked at the woman's lifeless body in front of us.

"You think she's still in the hospital where her son is?" I said to Rosemary in a low tone.

"Yes, she is."

"I hope the others would be able to help her." I said.

"Same." I said, looking at all the bruises and marking them down.

"Can you flip her for me?" I asked Jamison.

"Yes." He said, flipping her to her side.

I noted all the bruises and scars that were seen all over her body.

"Okay, thank you," Rosemary said.

"He made her into his punching bag." I said.

"That he did. Are you ready to start the cutting?" Rosemary asked.

"Yes. Let's get it done." I said, grabbing the things I needed to start.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Hey! Dolls! In the next chapter, we will get into more of the autopsy scene, but I am happy that Jamison is getting used to being a tech. As we all know, it wasn't something he wanted to do in the first place. Book 1 (which is this book) is almost done.

Give this chapter a vote & comment! See you, Dolls, in the next chapter.

Once I finish this book, I'll edit it and make it into a paperback for purchase.

So be on the lookout for that :) Also, I am still working on the Merch.


-Kassandra Vivu

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