CH.8 She's Right

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CH. 8 She's right

(Jamison POV)

I was out of her office, I didn't know why I let what she said have such an effect on me but it did.

I wanted to give her a smirk when she referred to me being extra special.

I was going to drag the compliment, but I choose not too. It wasn't the right time to do that, just because it wasn't the right time now didn't mean I wouldn't bring it up later on. That's just the type of person I am. I simply never forget anything, no matter how small or big it was. I'll put it aside or push it deep at the end of my mind but I never forget.

What she said obviously confirmed what I was thinking, that she really had done some deep looking into me. That somehow she manages to find some information about my past.

Truthfully, I wanted to ask Mona, but it's too late and truth be told. I was getting a little tired.

I walked towards the room I was going to be sleeping in, glad I remembered Mona's directions.

Going into the room, closing the door behind me and quickly making my way towards the bed. I threw myself on it, letting the feeling of a long day settle in. It's amazing how much comfort you can find from a bed after a long day.

It wasn't a normal day at all, I mean I was in jail, which happens to start as a pretty normal day for me but this time it had a twist at the end. Ready to knock out the people who had set me up, then I got released from jail because a random Woman paid my bond and then she tells me she needs me, that'll she'll pay me a lot of money and reveals later on that she see's dead people, that I see dead people and there's a serial killer on the loose.

Yeah, not your typical normal day at all.

The fact that I still don't even know who set me up doesn't even make me that angry as it did from the beginning, I mean if I wasn't in jail I would have never met her.

Met her?

I pushed that thought away from my mind, for now. There were important things to think about.

This freaking lunatic, the fact that he didn't care that they found his spot and is still going on with his killings, means he doesn't think he's going to get caught. Which means that he has tried his best to make sure he doesn't get caught. It's a thrill for him, he highly enjoys this and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon and the only way he'll stop is if he's locked up.

He's cocky, he's done this for many years I assume, especially from the amount of body that was found in his graveyard.

I stared at the ceiling, it was people like that who deserved to be in prison, hell, getting the death sentence and tortured themselves.

It was also those type of people who seem like normal people themselves, yes there are people out there who actually fit the serial killer profile, but there are also people who seem normal, do everything normal and yet they're the ones who are serial killers.

It's like having that one neighbor, who you didn't know was the wanted serial killer on the FBI most wanted list until you see agents knocking down their home and arresting them.

"Does she honestly think we can catch him?" I said out loud, but more to myself. This guy is sneaky, I know we had to get more information. To figure out how he targets his victims, we had an upper hand against the law officers and the killer himself.

We can communicate with the dead, they can communicate back with us.

With their help, we can get answers. We can find out who? where? why? How? and When will it take place again.

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