CH: 76 This is a special date

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CH: 76 This is a special date

(Jamison POV)

I love that she was having fun and enjoying herself in the museum.

It was a great idea to start with this place. It had many historical elements that I knew she would love, and human remains. As weird as it sounded, it fit her perfectly. Today was going to be all about her.

I wanted to show her how special she was to me and to have an actual date with her.

Besides, she's done a lot, so it's time I cater things for her.

"So, having fun?" I asked her as she continued to stare at something on the wall.

"Yes, very." She said. I smiled, watching her eyes widen with amazement.

I stared at my watch and knew it was almost time for our reservation for lunch.

"We'll have to wrap it up," I said softly to her.

"We will have to go soon," I said to her.

"Our next destination is something you'll probably want to go to soon," I said as I heard her stomach growl.

I tried to hold back a laugh as she looked away shyly.

"Okay, let's go." She said, taking my hand as we made our way toward the exit.

She has no idea how my heart leaps when she makes the first move. It's cute seeing her this way.

We left the building and headed towards the car. I held the passenger door open for Rosemary and let her in.

"So, where are we going for lunch?" She asked me, a smile on her face.

I stared at her for a few seconds, admiring her beauty. This woman for sure had me whipped, and there is no way that she doesn't know that.

"It's a surprise," I said, closing the passenger door. I heard her giggle from inside and smiled as I made my way toward the driver's door.

I got in the car to head toward our destination. During our drive there, Rosemary and I spoke about random things.

When we arrived, I parked and got out of the car to open the door for her.

When she got out of the car, her eyes widened. We were at a restaurant that had a historical style theme to it, and you could tell from the outside the theme of the restaurant had an excellent ancient aesthetic style.

"Woah, how did you find out about this place? I didn't know a place like this existed." She said with excitement being heard in her voice.

I chuckled to myself, finding the expression on Rosemary's face amusing. She was already enjoying the view of the restaurant, and I took her hand to lead her inside.

When we got inside, was when Rosemary let out a gasp.

"Wow, okay. I am officially impressed. Jamison, this place is amazing!" She said, for the first time since I'd met her. She let out a squeal; of course, she immediately tried to control her excitement, but I heard it, and it was going to be locked in my memories.

I was going to hold on to it forever.

"Hello, do you two have a reservation?" The hostess asks with a smile on her face.

"Yes, it should be under Jamison Lighting," I said to the hostess.

"Ah, yes. Right this way, please." She said. We followed her to the table I requested in the restaurant.

It was right next to a beautiful statue; they had a nice view from a window as well, so when you looked out, you could see the scenery of a lake outside the restaurant, and there was a lovely waterfall there as well.

"So what do you think?" I asked her.

"I like this place, I can't believe I didn't know that this place existed, but I am glad we got to come here together. It gives it a tremendous meaning." She said, smiling at me.

"Everything with you is always better, no matter where we're. I always have a great time with you." I said, smiling.

Rosemary's eyes soften.

"Wow, Jamison. When did you become such a smooth talker." Rosemary said, lightly picking on me.

I laughed, rubbing my neck nervously as I slyly looked away.

"I've always been a smooth talker. You were just too feisty to notice." I said, picking on her as well.

"I still am a little feisty." She said, laughing, as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing will change that, not even age or any relationship, but I do hope it's something you're not bothered with." She said in a sincere voice.

"No, sweetheart. It's not something that would ever bother me or scare me away. It's something that I love about you." I said to her truthfully.

It was one of the things that attracted me to Rosemary, her sass and feistiness.

If it weren't for those traits in her personality, she would have never been the Rosemary with whom I know and came to fall in love and the Rosemary I found myself wanting to spend the rest of my life with.

"Hello, have you two decided what you would like to have?" The server came and asked.

Rosemary and I looked up, embarrassed that we were both too lovey-dovey to even think of what we would like to eat from the menu.

The server didn't say anything but instead just nodded his head.

"I'll give you two more times to decide what to pick from the menu." He said, smiling and walking away.

"Ahaha, we should probably decide what to choose for lunch," Rosemary said, smiling.

"Yes, we should order. Hmm, what would you like to eat from the menu?" I asked her as we both looked at our menus, occasionally glancing at each other.

We finally decided what to eat and placed our orders with the server when he came by again.

Rosemary and I continued to enjoy our meal as we talked amongst ourselves and told each other jokes.

Seeing her laugh, smile, and joke with me comfortably tugged at my heart.

Yeah, she is for sure the one for me.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Awww, Rosemary and Jamison are so cute. They are the cutest couple ever. I adore them both.

What do your Dolls think of them?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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