CH: 88 I am overprotective

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CH: 88 I am overprotective

(Jamison POV)

Everyone was worried about Rosemary; it wasn't just me, but I knew from the moment that everyone learned what happened that they were already planning. They would not just sit there and not do anything about this or wait to do something about it. This isn't a situation that you sit there and wait about or do not take action immediately about; this is something that you need to take control of before it worsens.

This man has killed three people that we know about, three unsolved cases; there's no way he's not going to try to do everything that he can to keep it that way. There's no way he will let his actual image out, not with his role and not with the fact that he wants to keep all of this hidden.

He's going to try everything he can to get rid of Rosemary, and I'm going to try everything I can to make sure he doesn't fucking lay a hand on the woman I love. There was no way he would think he could get away with things anymore. Not with me knowing who he is and the stuff he's done.

I can tell that Rosemary was overwhelmed by all of this; she was trying not to let it get to her, but I was sure it did. I mean, someone is trying to make sure she disappears because of the things that person has done.

My stare shifted to the woman; this was not her fault. She lost her life, and now she is worried about her son, not only about her son but about this bastard getting away with this. I wasn't angry at her; I was furious at the situation, it was a fuck up situation to be in, and I needed to make sure that I reminded myself to apologize to her. I never want to blame a victim, as that's what she was. A victim that had this horrible thing happened to her, and she didn't deserve the heat she was getting.

No one deserves that, but we needed to do everything we could to ensure this was the last thing he would do.

"We will have to make sure that everyone is on top of their game when it comes to this guy," I said.

I didn't need to say it when I saw everyone's serious looks, but I said it out loud because I wanted everyone to be on the same page.

"Do you have any updates from the agents working on the case?" my dad, Darian, asked.

"Not really; I think the agents are trying to figure out what evidence to look for and other things to gather, so that way when they go to arrest him. Everything that they gathered sticks." I said.

"That's something we can help with, gathering the evidence. Especially ones that are hard for them to find; we can do that while doing the other things revolving around the case." Macy said.

I turned my attention to Rosemary to find a tired look on her face. I walked towards and spoke.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" I asked her; a smile appeared on her face as her attention shifted to me.

"I like that you called me sweetheart, but to answer your question. I'm okay; I'm just tired of what's happening." Rosemary said, and I could tell that she was tired. She looked overwhelmed by this whole thing, and of course, that upset me. This bastard was making this woman, who I have only seen as strong and fierce, look drained.

I took Rosemary's hand and pulled her away from the others' discussion. I wanted to talk to her one-on-one and ensure she would feel okay.

When I got into the hallway, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.

She said nothing for a few minutes but wrapped her arms around me and took deep breaths. I nuzzled my face into her hair, giving her head kisses here and there.

"I admit that was scary." She said in a soft voice.

"I know, baby," I said.

"I also know this isn't something we should take lightly." She said.

"I want to deal with it immediately so it doesn't linger or get even more serious." She said, and I agreed.

"That's what we'll do; we will deal with it immediately and won't let it have time to get worse," I told her.

"We'll need a really good plan." She said, sighing.

"Don't worry; we will be working on a good plan. As you mentioned, we have an advantage. He doesn't know who and what he is messing with. We can take him down; we must figure out a good way of doing it." I said to her.

"I do have a plan." She said, pulling out of my arms.

Rosemary's look on her face already had me shaking my head.

"Nope, not going to happen," I said.

"You didn't hear me out about the plan." She said in a disbelief tone.

"I didn't need to. The look on your face already told me that your plan is one that I'm afraid I have to disagree with." I said to her.

"Jamison." She started to say, but I shook my head.

"Rosemary, does your plan involve using yourself as bait?" I asked her in a stern tone.

She didn't say anything, which left me even more flabbergasted at how brilliant she thought that idea was in the first place.

"Why would you even want to put yourself in that position, baby? It's unsafe, and I am not letting you do that." I said to her.

"It's something that would work, and it's something that he would be locked up for because he wouldn't be able to hide it." She said with a determined look on her face.

"And what if he was able to hurt you?" I asked her.

She fell silent and didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"We just have to ensure it doesn't get that far." He said in a low tone.

"Yeah, we're not going with that plan, and that's final. Sorry, Bambi." I said, giving her a serious look.

It was as if Rosemary and I were having a stare-down with each other until she nodded her head.

"Okay, you got it." She said.

"Thank you," I said, pulling her back into a hug.

I needed to come up with some good ideas for plans to discuss with the others, amongst the other things that we were already doing.

As I don't want Rosemary to feel as if she needs to set herself up as bait for that freak, there is no way in hell I would allow that.

"We'll figure it out," I said, kissing her forehead.

"I know." She said, wrapping her arms around me.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

I adore these two so much!

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The next chapter will be released later on.


-Kassandra Vivu

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