CH. 13 What's wrong with him

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CH. 13 What's wrong with him

(Rosemary POV)

Why was I even bothered? What is wrong with him? Is he giving me some silent treatment or something?

I held the urge to roll my eyes on the thought that he was, he was probably playing some game with me because of what happened earlier.

I really didn't mean to upset him, was this some sort of payback or something?

I looked at him and wonder if he would actually do something like that.

Yeah, yeah he would. He definitely would do something like that.

I stared at him, it was time for us to start with Hailey's body.

"Okay, we're going to the external examination," I said talking to him and my recorder that was placed on a metal desk near Hailey's body.

"Victim name is Hailey Anderson, She was the recent victim place in the hiding spot. The victim is female, age 21, dirty blonde hair, eye color is blue, ethnicity by the looks of it is white." I said I moved closer to her body so I could weigh it.

"Victim's weight is-" Hailey caught me off and answered

"115 pounds." She said I turned to look at her, raising a brow but went back to weighing her body.

"Victim weighs 135 pounds," I said and Macy laughed.

"Hailey, stop lowering your weight. Your dead, it doesn't matter." Macy said.

I rolled my eyes, these girls.

"Removing the victim's clothes," I said, looking at Jamison.

"My assistant will help me," I said and Jamison's eyes widen.

Jamison turned to look at Hailey, I took a glance at Hailey and watched her shrugged her shoulders.

"Dude I'm dead, just do your job." She said and Jamison turned and started helping me remove Hailey's clothes.

As Hailey clothes were finally removed, a lot of things were noticeable on her body.

"Victim has markings on her body. What do you see?" I asked Jamison.

His eyes widen but he answered.

"The victim looks like she was bonded by the wrist, there are marks around her wrist." He said and I nodded my head.

"Victim's scars on body show signs of a struggle," I said lowering my head to get a closer look at her.

"Show signs of multiple struggles. The victim has a cut on the stomach." I analyze the cut on her stomach.

"It's a cut that was meant to miss the arteries, which means the person who placed the cut most likely knew where he would miss them. The perpetrator wanted the victim to feel pain." I said staring at her body closely.

"Victim has flakes, Victim was placed in a none clean area before was killed, the victim was kept there," I said, I noticed something else.

"Victim has tattoos. Tattoo of butterfly found on the right hip, Tattoo of an elephant found on the right thigh." I said and Jamison spoke.

"Tattoo of Dumbo, a Disney character." I raised a brow at him. Oh.

I moved my attention to Hailey's arms.

"The Victim has a huge scar on her inner arm, look like it was also caused by a knife," I said and I felt Hailey come to stand beside me.

"Yeah, I remember how I got that," Hailey said near me.

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