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HOOK - Scene of batmobile racing to get to a warehouse in the rainy night but the warehouse explodes. ( We don't see Batman's full suit or his face yet. We just see the Batmobile and Batman 's feet and a view from behind as he is running to the warehouse after he leaps out. )

INCITING INCIDENT - Action scene involving the GCPD and Batman and Robin chasing and apprehending Lawrence crock, a Merc at the top of Interpol's red notice . They get information from him on a drive about a deal where Faclone would be involved in the new 'Rage' drug deal in exchange for a benefit . The Rage drug is a new lethal steroid drug that enhances the user's strength tenfold ( A prototype of the venom drug). Gordon's unit is unable to decrypt the drive as it was military grade encryption so he gives it to Batman to decrypt . Then Bruce Wayne shows up with two glamorous women at his side to the opening night of the Wayne tech State of the art Hi-tech SECURITY SYSTEM PROJECT codenamed "Nightfall" that would operate the security system of Blackgate (built on the theme of the movie which is Control/order) , eliminating the problem of corrupted officials and reducing the chances of breakouts and things like thsg. The creator of the the project was Lana Kord, the world's leading cybersecurity analyst. At the party, he gives Lucius fox the drive he got from Crock and tells him to decrypt it using the Wayne tech secure servers. (Also at this party a woman, Gina Baros , approaches Bruce Wayne at the Bar. She is an agent working for the Global Defence agency and she was there to talk to him about her agency wanting to use security system for the agency , which is headed by Amanda Waller)

FIRST PLOT POINT - Bruce meets with Lucius Fox for a new suit . Fox also gives him the uncracked drive with all the info about the rage drug trade deals. Bruce shows Gordon the information later . Gordon tells Bruce that if they decided to take Falcone at the deal, it would set off a chain reaction and alert whoever is behind the Carnage drug ring that the authorities were onto them and force them to move their pieces thereby losing their element of surprise , which would mean there would be no going back after this. (END OF ACT ONE as Bruce decides to go through with it ) Bruce and Jason apprehend Falcone at a deal with the electrocutioner taking place in Bludhaven . Electrocutioner is a henchman for Cobblepot. When they fight, the electrocutioner says he would kill batman, jumpstart his heart and kill him again. As Falcone tries to escape in the skirmish, Jason, who is out of birdarangs, uses a nearby gun to shoot at Falcone's leg. Batman stops Jason and is distracted and in the chaos, electrocutioner escapes. ( This reinforces Batman's arc of understanding that he can't control everything and maintain order and control everything , which is a lie he believes in that fuels his arc for the story and trying to do so is futile). Meanwhile The Falcone arrest is on the news. Oswald Cobblepot, owner of CobbPharma that has been transporting the drugs through the city undetected by cops, hears of what happened from Electrocutioner this on the news and gets desperate since he now knows the authorities and the batman are onto his operations . So he breaks the joker out of Arkham and hires him to keep batman and the authorities off his trail while he finishes moving his accounts off grid. ( Jason and Bruce argue about Jason using the gun and Jason fires back saying he wasn't Dick Grayson and his way wouldn't always work and leaves the conversation fuming. We also learn that Jason and Barbara used to date. They broke up because Jason didn't tell her he was robin and that took a toll on their relationship as he kept cancelling plans for missions . They still remain friends even tho they're not dating but Jason still has feelings for her. Their relationship and Bruce's disapproval of it as it puts Barbara in danger is a subplot in the movie. Barbara is training to be a cop like her dad. )

FIRST PINCH - On Gordon's talk show appearance on the Dave Endochrine show celebrating his 15th year in service, the joker attacks and kidnaps Gordon while releasing joker gas , a nerve convulsion toxin, on the audience, trapping them in a room. Jason is at the place with Barbara and he manages to get the filtration system on ,managing to save a handful of people. Batman pursues joker but Alfred alerts him that the GCPD was under attack and batman chooses to go stop the gcpd attack as he realises that whoever was behind the drug cartel was aiming to kill Falcone as he had intel on them. Joker escapes with the Comissioner Gordon as a result of this .

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