Part 3

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The lights are all out in the house. We see Jonathan and Martha are fast asleep in their room but Clark is wide awake in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He turns over and tries to sleep. He lets out a frustrated sigh and sits upright.

He gets into his computer and scrolls through the news article about the passenger bus that went into the river . He pauses momentarily, staring at the words about the 5 bodies still missing in the river.

He then gets up and we see him take his jacket and a beanie . Camera focuses on his window after he exits the house through it.
Moonlight shines through it. 


Scene begins with a closeup of the same open window through which Clark went out of the house through. But sunlight is blazing through it.

A bleary eyed Clark gets up and heads down stairs. A news report plays on the TV as he kisses Martha , who was laying the table for breakfast.

-authorities are still baffled by what has transpired as all five of the bodies of the passengers that the rescue operations had been unsuccessful in retrieving have been found to be washed up ashore half a mile from the scene of the accident despite through searches been conducted in the exact same area a few hours prior. It remains to be seen what--


Clark exits the house and squints around the area, taking a deep breath. His eyes shoot wide awake as he notices the Jacket he wore now hanging on the clothline to dry. He hadn't done that.  He spots Jonathan working on his truck in the barn . Clark heads over.

Jonathan looks up as Clark approaches .

Chores, Clark. Work keeps a man honest.  Betsy's got it rough past few days but a man can only do what a man can, right ?

Clark eyes him silently.

Jonathan hands him a flashlight.

Mind holding this for a bit, would you?

Clark does as he was told and Jonathan gets to work .

Jonathan then stands back , wiping the sweat off his brow.

Alright. Start her up for me?

Clark does as he's told and turns the key . The vehicle comes to life momentarily before spluttering to a stop again.

Jonathan lets out a weary sigh.

Well, it's never fun when things are too easy, is it ?

He goes to work yet again as Clark joins him.

Seen the local news today by the way?

Clark shakes his head.

No, not really. I was uh.. I was up late last night . Project Papers.  

Jonathan nods.

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