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Text on bottom of screen shows the location  and date :  14 MONTHS LATER

A solitary ship moves through the choppy waters. We don't see it's name.  Men in black uniform with black glasses are on the main deck, guns hanging on their shoulders.

A small local fishing vessel approaches .  The fisherman look up at the men on board ship curiously. One of the armed men stare back.

The fishermen look at the gun on his shoulder , then mutter something hurriedly amongst themselves in the local language and they speed off.


Crew members peer at the sonar readings on the screen . Their eyes widen as a dot shows up on the screen. They turn to look at the captain standing behind them.

He looks at the reading then gives his men a curt nod. He reaches for the radio comlink.

Secure the deck, gentlemen. We have visual on the asset. I repeat, we have visual on the asset.


We see men haul a giant alien looking bulbous coral  rock onto the deck. Another armed man in black strikes the rock with a pick axe and the rock breaks open to reveal glowing green KRYPTONITE.

Call it in. We found it.



A crowd of reporters stand in front of a raised platform.

FOCUS ON The back of a bald head of man in a sleek 3 piece expensive suit . LEX LUTHOR stands  behind the podium. He has a cool, confident aura about him as he smiles at the cameras.

We see that a massive dome shaped military complex has been created aroud the now defunct Kryptonian scout ship that once belonged to General Zod.

Today is an important day for Metropolis, ladies and Gentlemen. For our great city. For the world. Today is a day for truth.

He looks out over the throng of reporters confidently.

Our whole life there was always this question over us, now wasn't there? Back of our heads.  Doesn't matter what cast, creed, nationality, religion, whatever. Each and every one of us have thought about it at least once in our lifetime.  Something we never really thought or expect we'd get a difinitive answer to but we did wonder nonetheless . THE 'big question.'... Are we truly alone in the vast great expanse we like to call the known universe ... Or... are we not? Are we just a another tiny little speck in the grand infinitude?'

The reporters watch on, hanging onto his every word.

And so, I thank my lucky stars to be the one chosen to stand here before you all today to unveil the world's first and only Xenoscience exhibit of the Lexcorp Museum of natural history.  

The many press photographers at the scene click away hungrily at their cameras. JIMMY OLSEN is among them.

The good people at Star labs have graciously granted public access to the northern wing of the black zero complex behind me  so that we, the general populous, may have a glimpse of the doorway into a much larger universe that we are as of yet to fully behold or understand. State of the art viewing technology, infographic holograms , interface and guidance systems will be at your disposal while you take the first steps into this new monument of our great city. Courtesy of a handsome grant from the lexcorp foundation.

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