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SWAT vehicles wheel through the street . People scream and scatter chaotically as Luthor is locked in a fast paced dynamic fight with the Clone.

We see it has begun to overwhelm Luthor ans Luthor is struggling to keep up with the clone's attacks. Luthor thrusts his right arm down and a glowing green Kryptonite dagger sticks out of the armour's gauntlet.

The clone charges at him and he blocks it's attack before slicing the dagger through it's ribs . The clone back pedals away ,grunting in pain as it checks it's cut.

CLOSE ON the cut in the torso. We see the skin around the new wound turn ghostly grey and crack slightly.

Seizing the opportunity, Luthor jets forward and grabs the clone along with him. He then rockets close to the ground, shoving the clone's head into the ground with his arm clamped around it's face. He then finishes the move by hurtling the clone off into a nearby building and it crashes into the wall.

The clone gets back to it's feet a little disoriented, then roars in anger. It grabs a passing by car and hurls it at Luthor who uses the back mounted jet pack in the mech suit to dodge it.

Luthor than shoots a green bean of light at the clone from a blast that opened out from his arm gauntlet, forcing the clone to shield itself with a forearm . We focus on the clone as he sees the hand he was using to shield himself grow eerily grey, almost like it was decaying .


Bruce is crouched on the ground, his back turned to Superman, who is panting heavily, disheveled with a bloody noose and some bruises to the face. The rain cascades.

Superman stumbles to his feet , using the nearby wall for support. He looks over at Bruce's figure. He takes in a lungful of breath and takes a step toward Bruce when he freezes, his gaze unfocused.

CLOSE ON Superman's ear. We hear a CHAOTIC MESS OF NOISES--People screaming, children crying, police sirens wailing, people calling his name and an angry, animalistic roar.

He looks at Bruce who is up to his feet and facing him now. They hold each other's gaze momentarily.


Superman has blasted skyward .

Bruce is looking upward, squinting against the rain as the sky is now dark.

Alfred ? What's happening?


(Looks over at a monitor nearby on which news coverage of the Luthor fight plays and exhales)
How best to describe it ?


Luthor is unloading the shoulder mounted machine gun on his armour at the clone as it roars animalistically, it's arm shielding it's face. We can see the bullets hitting the arm thag was greyish from the kryptonite attack is not invulnerable to the bullets. We can see Luthor's face through the modified face breather in the armour that had been retrofitted from the Kryptonian tech. His eyes are exhilarated. He is enjoying the moment. News choppers circle the scene from a 4 block range.

The clone's eyes begin to suddenly glow bright red and fiery beams shoot out , hitting Luthor square in the chest.

Luthor is sent flying backwards , hitting a building behind him. Before he can rocket boost himself away, the clone barrages into him, rocketing the both of them straight through the building .

They exit through the other side and crash along and though some buildings before skidding to a stop inside one of the floors of an already evacuated high rise office building.

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