Part 11

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We see Zod standing in the docking bay of the kryptonian mother ship.

He takes a deep breath and opens the bay doors.

We hear a barrage of noises and sounds. A dog barking. Police sirens going off. Random voice arguing. A doorbell ringing. Zod looks at his hand and he could see his bones, muscles, everything.

Zod closes his eyes and concentrates.

Slowly, we hear the sounds dull out and then get silenced entirely.

He opens his eyes and looks at his hand.

This time, we see just his hand, no skeleton.


Zod enters the main hall , walking towards Faora and Non.

Bring the phantom drive online.

Non nods and he turns to the control panel.

We see a huge Silvery translucent orb in the center of the hall glow bright incandescent.

We cut to a street view and we see a bright white beam shoot down from the bottom of the world engine.

We see fire  erupt from the top of the machine and a black plume of smoke and clouds begins rising out the great machine. We see lightning coming from within the clouds.


They are now slave to the
world engine.

Initiate it.

We see the world engine's main body rising slowly. The white beam of light seems to be going back up into the machine.

Cars , streetlight and billboards rise up slowly as if being pulled up by magnets , hovering momentarily mid air.Then, it shoots it's beam back down and the objects that were floating around it drops back down with great intensity.

The glass windows of nearby buildings shatter simultaneously as the beam shoots down.

Cars and nearby vehicles rise up and crash back down in sync with the beam.

Civilians begin running away, screaming.

We see the radius of the destruction gradually increasing.

With each beam, the road, buildings and structures that was in the vicinity are squashed down as if stepped on by a massive force.


We see the employees in the newsroom running around in chaos as they see what is happening outside.


Lois rushes out of the stairs and to the edge of the rooftop of the building. We see the world and the Kryptonian mother ship and scout ship from her POV.

Debris is flying everywhere, the entire foundation of the daily planet building is shaking. Dust rising up.


Camera pans with her as she  whips around.

We see SUPERMAN IN THE FULL COSTUME float down to her, his eyes fixed on the World Engine with a renewed,  determined expression. 


You need to evacuate the
building,  It's not safe.

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